Chapter 2

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 2

Ellie’s POV

I felt someone watching me as I spoke to one of my regular customers. I glanced up and the world stopped around me. I’ve heard so many times that seeing my mate would be love at first sight but I had never believed it until that moment. My heart raced, my stomach fluttered with uncontrollable butterflies and the sweetest feeling shivered through me.

He was tall and more handsome than any guy I had ever seen except he looked young enough as to be still in his teens. His blonde hair fell uncontrollably around his face, his lips were full and looked unbelievably kissable but his eyes, there was something wrong with his eyes. I couldn’t place what it was but I knew that wasn’t his natural eye colour.

I had no idea how long I had been staring at him, well I guess we were actually staring at each other. Ruby, my patron made a comment I missed and then giggled. I dragged my eyes away from him regretfully and looked towards her.

“He certainly is a looker Ellie, a bit young though.” Ruby winked at me and I finally realised how unprofessional I was being.

“Oh sorry Ruby! What was I saying?” I asked quickly as I tried to avoid where she wanted to take the conversation.

“I don’t think it matters now.” Ruby said as she waved me away with a grin.

He walked into my shop then with a confident swagger. It took everything within me not to stop and stare again. My sister came out from the back then with a tray of tarts and almost dropped them when she saw him. Her flirty face came on and I felt anger flash through me.

I rushed behind the counter, caught her eye and subtly shook my head. She pouted at me so I shook my head more firmly. I could never understand why she persisted in her flirting ways. She had her mate, had known him since childhood and yet she was all over any male specimen that walked through the door.

“No Abigail.” I said sharply.

“Oh why not? He is young but he’s still such a cutie.” She did that little giggle thing that I hated.

“He’s mine.” The words came out of my mouth on a growl and she looked at me in shock.

“Do you mean…..” She trailed off as said person approached the counter.

“Hello what can I get you?” I asked smoothly but it came out far more suggestive than I liked.

“Good morning! Apparently I need an…” His face frowned and he looked adorable. “Crap I forgot the stupid name, something like express?” He finished seeming confused.

“Do you mean espresso?” Abigail blurted from behind me until I turned and glared at her so she quickly retreated to the back room.

“Yes that's it! What a weird word.” He said with a shake of his head. “I’m Kale by the way.” He turned a full watt smile on me and I felt my insides melt.

“I’m Ellie.” I shook his outstretched hand and felt an intense and pleasurable sensation take over me.

“Kale? As in the lettuce?” My sister stuck her head out again to look at us so I sent her another fierce glare at her wishing she would go away.

“Um no I’m not even sure what lettuce is.” He answered in extreme confusion and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me at the way he said the word.

There were so many questions I wanted to ask him. He intrigued me from the very second I saw him. The fact that he didn’t know what lettuce or an espresso was only made him that much more fascinating to me. I did wonder how old he was though, he just seemed so young.

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