Chapter 6

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 6

Ellie’s POV

Oh my God his lips were blue! Seriously blue like he was freezing in the depths of a snowy winter. I remembered what he said, this was the first stage. I felt panic bubble within me. He couldn’t die! Not when I just found him and was starting to get to know him.

“Kale I’m telling you right now that your lips are blue.” I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, not an easy feat for a guy as big as him.

“I know but you have to come with me. It went pink. She said I had to bring anyone with me that….come with me Ellie.” His babbled words made no sense but the pleading within their depths caught me.

When he held out his hand I placed mine in his no questions asked. I blinked and opened my eyes to a surprisingly cosy room. It was an old fashioned kitchen. Even an ancient wood stove sat against the wall billowing out heat. I found it hard to breathe as I looked around at the small comfortable dining table that led into what looked like a lounge room.

My breath was coming in shallow pants as a little old woman bustled into the room. She had to be the oldest person I had ever seen. She seemed to have wrinkles on top of wrinkles. She smiled sadly at us when she noticed us there, in what was possible her kitchen. I had the strangest feeling that she had been expecting us.

“Hello Kale, Hello Ellie.” She said simply and I’m sure my mouth dropped open. How did she know me? I couldn’t focus on that for long as I gulped to try and get more air but failed.

“It went pink so I came but I had to bring Ellie.” Kale babbled and I noticed the blue in his lips had eased back to almost their normal dusky pink. I would have breathed in relief but I was still struggling to get any air whatsoever. I was just thankful that he was going to be alright.

“Of course you did.” The woman patted Kale heartily on the shoulder as I continued to gasp for air. It was getting almost too hard to breathe at all. “Now you must give the necklace to Ellie so she can survive here.” The woman directed Kale.

I clutched at my throat and tried desperately to get air into my lungs. Just when I thought I was going to pass out, when dots were flashing against the backs of my eyes, someone touched me and my equilibrium was re-established. Something dangled heavily from my neck and I reached down to find the gorgeous necklace that Kale had been wearing was now on me.

“What’s going on?” I asked through a dry throat. The woman handed me what looked like a glass of water which I cautiously sipped at. The cool liquid soothed my rather raw throat.

“Please sit. I shall make you a cup of tea and then we will get down to explanations.” The woman waved a hand at us but I was still super suspicious. After all I was in a strange place with an elderly woman I didn’t know that seemed to know me too well.

“No I don’t even know you but you know me! What is going on?” I repeated my earlier words but this time my voice was a lot louder.

“You are right lovey. I apologise for not introducing myself. I did think keeping you alive was a little more important at the time.” Sarcasm from someone this old sure surprised me.

“I’m sorry Ellie I should have introduced you. This is Mary; she is one of the Guardians of the Gate.” Kale said looking a little forlorn.

“Huh?” I muttered so intelligently.

“Well I have to get home anyway before this earth sickness gets to the next stage, so may I show her the Gate Mary?” Kale turned to the older woman.

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