Chapter 7

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© Sandra Corton

Chapter 7

Kale’s POV

“Kale! Oh my God Kale please wake up!” The sweetest feminine voice demanded of me. I must have been dreaming that was all I could think. “Kale you need to wake up. Wake up!”

Something hit me and everything happened instantaneously. I crashed onto the bed with a large grunt. Dammit I had been floating again! I heard a small whimper from near me so I opened my eyes. Crap I was crushing Ellie. I quickly rolled off her and memories of the previous day flashed through my mind.

“Ellie I’m sorry. Are you alright?” I asked feeling ridiculously mortified for what had happened.

“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just glad that we landed on the bed. The floor probably would have caused me a lot more pain.” She said wryly.

“I will admit to landing on the floor a few times and it’s not terribly nice.” I replied with a wince at the reminder.

“Any tips for how to get down without crashing next time?” She asked and my heart beat sped up. If she really wanted to do this again then I wouldn’t be complaining one bit.

“This may sound dumb but blow your breathe towards the ceiling. It's just air so you should be able to move us about by doing that. Try not to wake me up because then I simply fall.” I told her as I leaned in and caressed her cheek gently, feeling a need to touch her that I couldn’t contain.

“So you’ve never had this problem before?” She asked curiously and I could tell she was asking me something much deeper than that. Thankfully her bag began ringing an odd tune then before I had to answer that loaded question.

“Stupid phone waking me up.” She grumbled cutely under her breath.

She scrambled off the bed and I watched every move she made. She snatched up her handbag and pulled out one of those metal flat things known as phones. I stared as she paced across the floor looking more adorable than anyone had the right to be.

It was obviously her sister on the phone and it didn’t sound good. When Garry’s name was mentioned I tried not to groan aloud. It seemed her family knew all about me right now. I’m not sure that was the best thing but there was nothing I could do about it.

“Abi I’m just busy with other stuff right now. I don’t care if you open up the shop or not. I’ll talk to you later.” She said before she pressed something on the phone, looking as though she might throw it.

“Are you okay Ellie?” I asked and she turned to me with frustration in her features.

“Not really. Garry spilled the beans about you to my parents. Abi is freaking out that I’m not at the shop and I just….argh!” She plopped herself onto the bed next to me and I felt terrible for causing such disruption in her life.

“I’m sorry Ellie. Everything has only gone crazy in your life because of me.” I reached a hand to her tense shoulder and massaged gently until she relaxed with a soft moan.

“You have no blame here. They have always wanted me to find my mate and now that I have they are all going nuts about it.” She said as she leaned into my touch. A discreet knock at the door startled both of us. I quickly pulled on yesterday’s clothes and went to answer it. An amused Roger stood at the door.

“Morning Roger.” I said as I scrubbed a hand through my sure to be messy hair.

“And a good morning to you Kale. I took the liberty of acquiring some change of clothes for Ellie.” He gestured to the bag by the door.

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