Chapter 10

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 10

Ellie's POV

"Get away from my mate!" I told Garry and his gang fiercely through our pack mind.

"You dare to take on the next Alpha?" Garry laughed snidely in my mind.

"To protect my mate I will take on anyone." I growled at him.

"Ellie they haven't hurt me. My air has kept me safe. Please don't fight them; I couldn't bear it if you got hurt." Kale said from behind me and I paused. I knew he couldn't hear our pack mind talk but obviously he knew something was going on.

The thing was this had been coming for a long time between Garry and I. Today was the moment it would end. No more would he treat me so condescendingly. He would never again act like I was lower than dirt under his feet. I let out a sigh but turned back to Garry without backing down a single inch.

"This is a fight between you and me. No using your lackeys to hurt Kale behind my back, understood?" I told my brother sternly.

"Fair enough lil sis, it won't take me too long to take you down. Then we can get back to your upstart of a mate." Garry replied smugly as he trotted towards me in his wolf form. His offsiders laughed riotously, baring their teeth with their wolfish delight at my position. "You heard her, back up." He ordered his pack who slicked away to watch from a distance.

The funny thing is there is supposed to be etiquette to a fight, especially as I was much weaker than him. Garry knew that better than I did, yet he was he first to lunge. I side stepped him quite neatly and he let out a snarl. His pack growled with him creating an ominous air around us.

Garry went for my throat next, hoping to subdue me that way. I surprised myself that time by not only escaping him but also swinging around and taking a bite at his front leg. I was the first to draw blood and I felt triumphant.

Garry cursed in my mind but I refused to care about his pain. He kept trying sneak attacks then. He would dodge in and try to bite me but each time he was the one to bleed from a new wound. Soon his brown fur was matted with blood from wounds all over while I remained fairly unscathed.

He went for my hamstrings next, knowing it would defeat me. Instead I took his idea and ran with it. I had always been more nimble than him but his arrogance at his own ability had ignored that.

As be crouched low to spring up and grab me with his teeth I leapt over his body. With my razor sharp teeth at the ready, I didn't let him escape. I turned quickly to face his rear and before he could move I ripped viciously at his hamstrings. An agony of howls echoed around the driveway attracting everyone's attention from inside.

"Eleanor what have you done to my son?" My mother shrieked as she rushed towards us but I wasn't done yet.

An injured, whimpering Garry tried to crawl away but I bared my teeth and growled. He dropped down where he was, looking towards our mother for support. In his weakened state I quickly got my teeth around his windpipe and squeezed.

"You are not worthy of being the next Alpha." I snapped the words at him through our pack mind as he struggled to breathe.

"Get off him!" My mother screamed as she latched her arms around me and tried to get me away from her precious Alpha.  

"No Katherine this is not your fight." I heard my father say sternly.

"But she could kill him." Mum protested angrily.

"Well if she does than she was correct, he was never worthy of being the next Alpha." My father’s words washed over me as everything went quiet.

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