Chapter 8

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 8 Ellie’s POV

I am so furious at him right now! How dare Kale introduce his sister to me and then run her off like that. I hate that I can’t contact him, I need to yell at him about this so badly. I’m not sure what my patrons thought of me today. I’m certain my smile was more of a grimace.

I watched him walk through my door rather sheepishly towards closing time. He took one look at my face and seemed like he wanted to run screaming back out the door. I sent him another stern glare as I handed one of my customers their coffee and cake.

“Don’t you dare disappear.” I told him heatedly and he winced but nodded.

I headed into the back room to pick up the box of cakes I had packaged for his sister earlier in the day. I still couldn’t understand his reaction today. All last night he had told me about his sister and her lover Xander.

He hadn’t shut up about them in fact. He had warned me that her temper was short and from the flaming fire that appeared in her hand I could see that. Kale had told me her element was fire so even though it surprised me I was at least a little prepared. The fire had never been aimed at me though, she had been angry at Kale.

“Why did you do that Kale?” I asked once my last customer left.

“She was freaking me out so I thought it would be doing the same to you. Matilda’s just…..well she’s just Matilda.” Kale explained with a definitive swish of his hand.

“That is the lamest answer ever.” I told him, my voice rising. “She was angry at you Kale not me, I wasn’t in any danger at all. After all the things I’ve seen in the last few weeks with you, did you really think a bit of fire would panic me?” I was now in full yelling mode and Kale flinched with every word.

“I didn’t want you to feel threatened by her and Matilda can have a commanding presence.” He defended himself and I sighed.

He was right. Had I been an ordinary human like he thought I was then I should have felt threatened by the fact that fire had flamed from her fingers. I wasn’t though. I had spent my life around  things that are peculiar and odd so nothing about his sister had worried me.

“Here’s what we are going to do. You will take Matilda and Xander these cakes and ask them to return tomorrow. If you don’t I will stay in my own apartment tonight, nightmares and all.” I crossed my arms over my chest after handing him the box and he looked surprised.

“Okay.” He answered simply before disappearing.

Truth be told, being away from him at night would be terrible now. We had only spent a few nights together but I had to admit that I was becoming quite addicted to being in his arms. The floating thing he did was a little untoward but I was getting used to it. His idea worked a treat, all I had to do was blow out a breath in a defined direction and we moved.

I cleaned up as I waited for his return. My phone rang but I ignored it, knowing it would be my parents. I was determined to go and visit them one night this week but time was growing short. Mary had told us that I had to meet Kale’s family first. After today even that didn’t seem to be going too well.

Kale returned with a promise that Matilda would come and visit me tomorrow. I felt a lot better about things then. My sleep though reflected everything back at me differently. Fire seemed to engulf every dream I had, which didn’t make me greet the day too happily.

“Oh Lordy, the guy that just walked in is hotter than the sun.” Abigail moaned as she dragged me over to check him out. “I’m so going to sweet talk him.” I quickly pulled on her arm to stop her. It was Xander so that meant Matilda was here.

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