Chapter 5

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 5

Kales POV

I stood up and paced away from her then. She looked broken at hearing my words making me feel like crap. I had to tell her the truth. I just had to. I also needed to fix things but I wasn't sure how to do that either. I had already looked at it from every angle and knew that we were doomed for a while now. It hurt having to tell Ellie about it.

"Okay you can die out here if you stay here too long." She repeated the words I had said and I nodded. "What does this have to do with the nightmares?"

"Nothing but the nightmares will get worse. The only way it would ease is if we slept together." I replied and then realised what I had said. Talk about putting your foot in it! I slapped my hand to my forehead feeling like such a fool.

"That's lacking in subtlety." Ellie said blandly and I baulked.

"That's not what I meant. Goddess why is this so hard?" I looked to the sky and sucked in a breath. "What I mean is if we slept next to each other it wouldn't be so bad." I finally told her but she still looked at me sceptically.

"So what you’re saying is sex isn't the issue?" She raised a brow and I blew out a breath, deciding to wisely drop the subject.

"Our nightmares occur because our souls know we are separated. Until the day the life bonding occurs then the nightmares will continue. Sleeping next to each other eases that, our souls know that we are together." I explained rather haphazardly.

"So are you going to explain what a life bond is?" She asked and I didn't know what to tell her.

"Maybe let me finish the nightmare thing first." I pinched my brow and tried to think clearly. "My grandparents were separated like us. My Nanna had to spend much of her time on earth whereas my grandfather couldn't because he was from my world.

"They told me that their nightmares when they occurred were horrible. You see they weren't separated by being in a different country or city; they were actually in separate worlds. That's what we have." I told her knowing that I made a mess of explaining it when she frowned.

"I don't understand. If they were like us then why is this so impossible?" She asked in confusion.

"You're human, both my grandparents are Argonian. My Nanna spent enough time on earth as a child so she can never get earth sickness. I didn't." I told her and a light of understanding filled her blue eyes.

"So you are saying we are stuck with the nightmares until we do some kind of life bond thing?" She questioned and I nodded wondering how to give her the worst news.

"Our nightmares may never end. I don’t think you would survive the life bonding." I dropped my head down so I didn't have to see her face.

"Sounds bad." She murmured.

"It's a ceremony that bonds us together magically. Metal disks are inserted under the skin of our wrists to create an unbreakable bond between us." I told her and she looked shocked as I dared to glance at her.

"Well that's different." She said on a breath.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. My sister is getting hers with Xander soon. Plus like I said I don't think we could be life bonded anyway." I prattled on like a moron, not even sure what I was saying.

"Kale listen I think I just hit my too much information threshold. How about we go and do something else and worry about all of this stuff later?" She asked and I was extremely grateful. I was tired of having to give out nothing but had news, especially to the adorable woman who took all my confusing words with grace.

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