Chapter 11

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 11

Kale's POV

"So you're a wolf?" I asked into the silence and Ellie sighed.

"Yes, I should have told you but how do you say something like that?" She said ruefully.

 I nodded in understanding. It hadn't been easy explaining some of my stranger Argonian aspects of my life. In fact I still hadn’t told her all of them.

I was glad though that she wasn't just a simple human. She made more sense to me this way. She had been spectacular in her take down of Garry. I had been frozen in place watching the delicate destruction that had ensued.

"How are you feeling about everything that went on-" I paused as I heard both Katherine and Garry yelling something from inside the house. "Well is still going on in there?"

"I'm not sure. Do you find it odd that my parents disappear through the Gate then somehow you and I end up as mates?" She turned to face me then and I hated to see the distress in her eyes.

"I wasn't even supposed to exist in my world so who knows?" I said with a shrug and she looked thoughtful.

"We need a moment of your time Ellie." Dashen said as he walked out to meet us. Instantly any stress on Ellie's face was hidden and I could only marvel at how she had managed it.

"Uncle I know traditionally the names of the dead are never mentioned but I would like to know my parent’s names." Ellie said as Dashen had turned to go back into the house. His back stiffened but he faced her with a grief stricken expression.

"My brother was Carson and your mother was Alice." The man bowed his head as did Ellie at the mention of their names.

"Thank you." She replied solemnly.

"Perhaps I should have told you a long time ago but I never realised Katherine was treating you badly. I know I was pushing men at you but I only wanted you to find your mate." He said running an anxious hand along his chin.

"You are forgiven Uncle. I have found my mate finally and I do appreciate what you were trying to do." Ellie said and Dashen simply nodded. "I will tell you now that Katherine and Garry are no longer a part of this pack. I will insist on it before I hand over my Alpha position." Ellie said with a fierce look that had my blood heating with its intensity.

"I agree. I only ever let Garry become Alpha because of the deal I had with Katherine." Dashen told her and Ellie sighed.

"I understand but I would've preferred the truth." She replied sternly and her uncle flinched.

"Ellie if you will." Roger interrupted then and we all turned to him. "You need to know that you will be keeping your Alpha status but only handing the day to day running of the pack to Carn. In a way he is your substitute here. He will answer to you in all matters." Roger told her decisively and Ellie looked completely floored.

"I can't be Alpha. Kale can't live here and I....this isn’t going to work." She frowned at Roger who simply smiled reassuringly to her.

"I remained Alpha of the Sorrento pack without any of them knowing I was the Silver Wolf as well. This will work fine Ellie." Roger assured her and Ellie looked shocked.

"You were the Alpha of the Sorrento?" She asked in a whisper and Roger simply nodded sadly.

"As soon as things are finished here we will talk." Roger promised us and we agreed.

Once we walked back into the house I can honestly say I have never been more thankful for stopping my tornado than today. Katherine and Garry were now the ones cowering away, no longer the leaders. I was so proud of Ellie as she walked in as the strong leader. Everyone including Garry's rather beaten mob lowered their eyes when Ellie looked their way.

"I came here this morning to introduce my mate to my pack members and look at the arrival I was given." Ellie snapped out the words and those that hadn't looked concerned before now did. "Carn I chose you to be my offsider in being the next Alpha and you couldn't even try to be polite to my mate." Ellie's voice rose and Carn flinched.

"I'm sorry Eleanor." Carn said quickly while Ellie just growled.

"Why would you owe me the apology?" Ellie's anger inched a little higher and I could hardly breathe with how intoxicating it was to watch her.

"I was perhaps a little rude towards you, no hard feelings?" Carn turned to me with his hand out and I shook it with a grin at least until I felt his fur on my hand, just like when I shook Dashen and Abigail’s hands.

"You were only looking out for Ellie." I answered with a shrug. I saw Ellie nod her head with satisfaction at us before she turned back to the group gathered around.

"You two no longer belong to this pack." Ellie said sharply to Katherine and Garry who said nothing but looked stricken.

"And what about me?" A new voice said from the doorway and we all turned to see a furious looking Abigail.

"You would never be forced away from this pack. Your mate is here, he is now the substitute Alpha." Ellie said calmly and concisely. 

"Yet you're kicking my mother and brother out of the pack." Abigail stated with disbelief.

"They are no relative to me not have they treated me as such. You Abigail have always treated me as family." Ellie reached a hand towards her sister who just stood still.

"Let them back into the pack, they are my relatives." Abigail demanded and Ellie sighed.

"Fine they may return to the pack, but if they put one paw out of line then we are done.” Ellie made a throat slitting gesture to Katherine and Garry who quickly nodded.

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