Chapter 10- The phone hacker

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You pour your favourite cereal into the bowl, accidentally pouring in too much milk because your mind is wandering elsewhere.

Last night the boy of your dreams and you had the best date ever, only to be ruined by his ex (your best friend Lucy who has come home from Devon) who appeared at your house as a surprise, shocking Luke who leaves, leading you and Lucy to have a full blown argument that results in her storming out.

You don't really remember much after that, other than you cried yourself to sleep at night and woke up freezing this morning as your clothes were still wet from the night before,when you jumped in the river.

You carry your cereal into the living room and switch on the tv, only to find they are interviewing the Xfactor contestants, you immediately change the channel.

You haven't bothered checking your phone, you hadn't even looked at it since before the date yesterday, even though Luke said he'll 'call you later' you new he wouldn't,and Lucy wouldn't call you to make up, she has always been stubborn and will never apologise first,your other friend who had the car crash must have been In such shock about everything that happened, you doubt she would have the nerve to ring you and she's probably on Lucy's side anyway.

You sit there and the tears begun to swell In your eyes again, but you hold them back and put on some ChicFlicks to make you feel better about your awful life, your mum isn't even coming home for another 3 days and you're beginning to miss her.

Then it hits you again. This means Lucy had dated Luke,that he fancied her , she he fancied him, just like you did, maybe this was no different for Luke, maybe he doesn't even fancy you and he is just being nice to help him get over Lucy, would he do that...

He didn't mention much about her when you were in the forest, although he seemed pretty quiet when he mentioned them breaking up. He probably still fancies her...What hope did you have now, Lucy is a lot prettier than you anyway... Right? You sit there and let your thoughts spiral out of control,till you feel so low that you just flop on the sofa and bury your head in the cushion.

Unknown to you , it turns out you had left your phone in your coat pocket, and left your coat at the Xfactor house.

"Hey Tamera, did you know that Luke's Girlfriend left her coat here last night?" Sam said to Tamera as he held up the jacket in one hand.

"She's not his girlfriend Sam , did you see Luke last night , they must of had an awful 'date' he was really unhappy." Tamera replied snatching the coat from his hand.

" oh right, I didn't realise, I thought she was really nice" Sam said looking at the floor with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"If course she isn't, she's a horrible person, I don't know what you see in her" Tamera replies rolling her eyes as she smells your coat and makes a disgusted face.

"I didn't, I just ... Thought she was nice, that's all..." He says defensively and walks off to his room in embarrassment.

Tamera chucks your coat on her bed, when she hears a phone ring... It's your phone...She walks towards your coat and shakes it violently until your phone falls out and lands on the bed covers, still ringing.

It was Luke. He was calling your phone. And Tamera declined the call, a sly smirk appearing on her face.

"This could be fun..." Tamera murmurs to herself as she shoves your phone into her pocket and throws your coat into the corner of the room.

Meanwhile you are just beginning to feel a little better, if Luke does like you, he will pull through and call you... Right? You scrunch up into a ball and pump out your favourite music through your speaker system, hoping it will block out anymore negative thoughts that try to enter your confused mind.

Suddenly Luke receives a text it's from "You" but obviously it was Tamera, unknown to Luke.

"Luke, I don't know what to say , that was the worst night of my life and I wish I'd never met you, and Tamera was right , I only ever fancied Sam Callahan, don't ever speak to me again."
Luke stared blankly at the text and with a rush of emotion,threw the phone to the floor, accidentally cracking the screen all the way down the middle, he picked it up and regrettingly looked at the broken screen, this wasn't like him, he was normally quite laid back, what had he done now... Still angry with what he had just read, he scrolls down his contact list and goes to delete your number he hovers his thumb over the trash button but can't bring himself to do it before once again throwing his phone to the floor, not caring if it breaks again, the damage was already done.

Tamera hears this and walks into Luke's room.

"Are you ok Luke, I heard a smash?" Tamera asks trying to sound genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, just leave me alone please, if you don't mind, you were right by the way, I've just been used." Luke replies, Tamera turns her back to him and smiles before leaving the room.

You wake up once again, you must have fallen asleep . It's 6pm,you're starving so decide to head back to the kitchen, you open the fridge only to reveal it is pretty much empty, you look around for your phone, your mum left you emergency money, so you're able to order pizza...

Wheres my phone, you think, searching through your bag , you start throwing things out, where had it gone...


I've left it in my coat, and my coats at Luke's place, you realise with your head in your hands.
How could you have been so stupid, no wonder you think no ones been texting you, you couldn't even check your phone!

Your Going to have to go over there... What if Luke's tried to call...What if Lucy had tried to make up with you, she'll think you were ignoring her...

You run to your shoes and slip them on, still In your pyjamas from this morning, but you don't care, you'd messed up enough with Luke and Lucy last night, you weren't going to let it get any worse , you grab your keys from the side and slam the front door shut behind you.

Before you know it your arriving at the XFactor house, slowly walking up to the door debating whether to ring the doorbell, or just chicken out and run home.

You almost turn to leave, then see someone looking at you through a window, at first you assume it's Luke but as you look closer, you see it's Nicholas, he's signalling for you to come in through the back door, you can't go home now.

You walk round the side of the house, and arrive at the back door where Nicholas is waiting for you.

"Hey Nick , is everything ok? I really don't mean to bother you, I shouldn't have even come-I just left my coat here and -" you stammer before Nicholas cuts you off.

"Don't worry, um , it's good your here...I think you need to talk to Luke, something bad's happened..."

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