Chapter 6

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Hey guys, thanks for the two nice replies from @dannysgal89 and KathxTS I hope you like this chapter as well. 

Lifting my head, I met his eyes. Taking a deep breath I started: "remember when I told you that I didn't like to talk about my father, that it was a touchy subject." I started, not knowing how else to bring the subject on.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with this?" He asked. "Everything." I breathed out.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, taking a step closer to me. "If you knew what happened back there you'd be finishing what we started so I tried to avoid that by doing it myself" I explained.

" how can you be sure of that?" He asked, looking at me with a tilted head. "I just know." I shook my head.

"Then tell me, tell me the reason as to why you think I'd leave you." He asked me, taking a step closer to me.

Looking down at my feet I tried to gather all the courage I could. "When I was younger." I paused, looking down. "When I was younger iwasabusedbymyfather" I said in one breath.

"What was that?" He asked, taking a step closer, I just took a step backwards it was already hard enough as I felt like the walls were closing in around me. The feeling I always had like everything was about to crumble down around me.

So I did what I did. Separated myself from everything, my emotions to protect myself but that didn't take away that I couldn't feel the pain around it all. I felt the first tears run down my cheek as I looked up.

"My parents got separated when I was young, my mom left him cause he was a drunk and hit her. It already started when she was pregnant with me, once I overheard my grandparents talk about the fact that he hit her when she went into labour of me." I recalled, I knew how horrible he'd been. How horrible everything had been but hearing it again made it even more horrible and having to explain maybe even more.

"My mom left him when I was around three, four months after she had my brother. And that's when the everything for us started" I paused taking a deep breath and wiping away my tears out of anger.

"That's horrible Amelia" Glen said walking up to me, but I took a step back I couldn't yet. I couldn't, I still had to get through the worst part.

"My father was given visitation rights, and that's when everything started. I was only four years old and I thought it was normal, what was I supposed to know?" I asked, looking up at HIM. Trying to convince him it wasn't my fault, maybe it had been but.

"What happened love?" Glen asked, and the emotion in his eyes brought down the protection shield I had put up around me and it hurt ten times worst.

"He started abusing me when I was four I didn't know any better. A year later he started with my sister as well and being the oldest I just took it on myself to protect her and would pull the attention towards me, so she wouldn't have to go to the same thing" I cried, the wall I had built crumbling down around me and when Glen stepped towards me he didn't stop when I tried to get away but pulled me in his arms, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that love. I'm so sorry." He whispered over and over in my ear. He sat us down on the couch in the room and pulled me in his arms.

I tried to compose myself so I could get through, to the end. " I was twelve when it finally stopped. But for 8 years it lasted and nobody helped us, I was alone in trying to protect my sister and in trying to deal with it, how could I trust someone when they didn't believe me." I questioned. My nose running and blubbering mess.

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