Chapter 7

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Sorry guys it's been a while since I've updated this story, sorry for that. Thanks for the Nice comments on the last one. I hope you enjoy this one just as much.

I woke up by a beam of light shining in my face, that's what initially woke me up, but when I felt an arm lying around my waist, holding me against a body behind me, my body tightened when I got more awake.

For a second I started to panic and then I realised where I was and who was behind me, 'Glen' a smile covering my face the moment I started relaxing, maybe this was the way to keep away my morning moods.

Turning around in his arm as silently as I could, not waking him up, snuggling into his body. But I also took this moment to look, really look at the fine and gorgeous man lying beside me, pictures didn't do him justice, not one bit.

He was incredibly handsome and the small stubble on his chin and cheeks, giving him an even more sexier look. I couldn't believe he had still wanted me after what I had told him, I had assumed he'd run for the hills, be disgusted and never look at me again. But I had been wrong. He'd been amazing, been here for me as I told him, hugged and comforted me.

And I couldn't be more grateful for what he'd done. Maybe Alice had been right, maybe the time had come to deal with my past, with my ghosts from the past. I'd get better, deal with it for Glen. But the problem was where I could I go and seek help, it's not like I was in one place for very long. Guess I'd have to do some research.

But I would deal with it, as painful as it was, I would face it, so I could start my future with Glen. A good future I hoped. No longer being able to stand the resistance I started running my fingers softly over his tattoo on his left arm. I lifted my hand from his arm when he took a deep breath and snuggled in his pillow, his mouth half open, making him look even more adorable.

I continued when I was sure he was still asleep. My hand reaching the top on his shoulder from there I ran in single finger up his neck, the outline of his ear, through his surprisingly soft hair, running my finger on his hairline, before running it across his features, his eyes, his nose, the soft lines running from the corner of his eye. Ending with his soft lips.

"I was quite enjoying that." He stated in his morning hoarse voice, nearly making me jump out of my skin. "I can imagine." I whispered, my throat dry. Resting my hand on his arm, he opened his eyes and I was surprised to see how blue they were. "morning love." He whispered, shuffling his head closer to mine. "morning." I whispered, meeting him, the tip of our noses barely touching.

"did you sleep okay?" he asked, his hand on my waist running up and down my side. "I did. It felt great to not sleep in a hotel room." I admitted. "I know how that feels." He admitted with a chuckle, before he closed the small gap between our lips, starting off with a peck, but ending in a full out kiss.

"what's wrong?" I asked, when he winced as we pulled back, his hand that was resting on my side, moving to his right shoulder. "My shoulder. It just annoys me sometimes, injured it during a skiing trip." He explained.

"and it still bothers you?" I concluded. "yea." He admitted. "turn over." I said, sitting up. "what are you doing, not in a mood this morning?" he teased, which earned a playful slap on his other arm. "you'll see, now humour me." I asked, my head tilted to the side. 

"alright, whatever the missus wants." He muttered as he turned onto his stomach. "And no I'm not in a mood, seems that sleeping in your arms, benefits my mood in the morning." I whispered in his ears. "seems like we found the solution." He chuckled. "might be. Guess I just slept well." I commented.

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