stupid plant parts

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"Ow!" Trevor said as I smacked him in the head with my shoe
"now try again !" I said
"how can something so small hurt so much" he said
"that's right feel the wrath of dafeet" I said giggling Maniacally we'd been at this for an hour now and Trevor still wasn't getting it. Oh well more fun for me I held up another flash card
"now then " I said holding up the card "is this a plant or animal part?" the card said cell wall
"animal" Trevor guessed
" wrong! " I said smacking him on the forehead again because he was texting I snatched the phone from him and dialled the number he was texting alpha S was on the screen probably one of his dumbass frat brothers "Hel-"
"Rahhhhhhhhhh!!!!"I screamed into the phone and then shut it off and stuffed it in my bra never to be seen again mwahahah! "now can you pay attention for 5 seconds?"I growled "plants have a cell wall animals have a cell membrane"
" what's the difference?" Trevor said in a bored tone
" what's the- what's the difference! " I exploded "that's like asking what's the difference between cellulose and skin"
" I'm sorry I just can't see how some stupid plant parts are going to help me in the real world learning what a cell wall is isn't going to help me make a plant grow better"
stupid plant parts okay now he'd done it I snapped my ruler in 2 Trevor turned white "plants are not stupid"I exclaimed "you wouldn't be able to live without plants they make oxygen they make medicine and poison they have needs like you and me they even get diseases so before you try to learn how to make plants grow you need to learn how they work" he gave me a dull look
" screw this I'm wasting my time I'm going to work" I said packing up my things and leaving rather pissed off
" Oh c'mon Rae don't be mad"Trevor said catching up with me and carrying my backpack
"Then don't be an idiot and maybe we'll get somewhere" I said tossing my bag into the passenger seat of my truck and hopping in
"look I'm sorry" he said leaning in to the car I crossed my arms and looked away starting the car "oh come on Rae forgive me please ?you want me to beg? I'll beg" he threw his hands up and made a puppy dog face I couldn't help but crack a smile at I leaned into him
"not even for two Scooby Snacks" I said and then sped away I wonder how long it would take him to realize I still have his phone oh well

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