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It was late when I finally got home probably because I didn't go straight home but I needed some time to myself I might have been putting on a brave face for Trevor but Scott was really starting to creep me out I mean don't get me wrong he's been a jerk for years even back in high school and the only reason I really put up with him was because his mom owned the place and she was always happy to let me use her Greenhouse for some of my larger specimens in return I tended to the plants put in a few hours and let Scott think he ran the place but now he seem to be crossing a new line and those stares of his were making my skin crawl what was going on with him whatever it was I didn't like it I'm just glad Trevor showed up when he did though I'd probably never tell him he did deserve a cake though I pulled up to the park and went down to my favorite tree it was a beautiful Old Willow that said right next to the River it was so big it leaves and branches can down to the ground like a curtain I passed through it I was completely hidden completely safe and completely content no one could see me but I could see everything the moon the stars the stream that trickled by with fish that seem to be almost jewel toned in the moonlight I was a perfect peace in the secret place which allowed me a pleasure I rarely ever permitted myself to do anymore so I took off my shoes and my socks and walked around the big space a spongey grass hidden under the willow feeling every blade of grass the leaves the Moss squdging my toes in it and it was better than the softest velvet I felt to live again stronger the earth was feeding me and I was feeding it everywhere I stepped the grass was greener and flowers sprouted up around my feet and trailed behind me as I walked it was exhilarating I reached up to touch the willow branches and they exploded in flower buds that bloomed almost instantly it was beautiful it felt amazing I let my hair fall around me in a
Curtain of gold and spun around letting out a gush of tiny giggles as I took it all in I love to embracing this part of me always hated having to keep it hidden but here underneath the swallow I was safe and nothing could hurt me I sprawled out on the ground dizzy from all the spinning and looked up at the moon peeking through the branches and that's when I saw it little black figures flying through the skies their flapping wings and their caws broke through my peaceful silence and not too far away on the tree facing mine one of them Sat watching me Ravens lots and lots of Ravens
" its not polite to stare you know "I said to the one facing me it cocked its head to the side as if in question "yes you "
I said" it's not polite stare now off with you "I said tossing a stone knocking it from its bough it landed in the river splashed around for a second and then flew away cawing at me as is it left I could almost here the nasty things he was saying crazy bitch may have been one of them but I had a few choice words that peeping tom of a crow anyway what can I say I don't like birds except for owls owls are awesome but Ravens bring mischief that something my mother always taught me
I unlocked the door coming back to the present and came into the living room to find yo yo past out on the couch her Red and gold here spread around here like tendrils of fire craven laid across her belly keeping watch as usual she looked so peaceful like a princess even though she was snoring like a bear with a chainsaw and a leaf blower even her name sounded like a princess Yamira but she hated being called Yamira she said it was a mouthful just like I couldn't stand being called Raelynn don't get me wrong it's a lovely name something about its never sat right with me though like there was some painful memory behind it but that's just me being paranoid again I leaned down into her face as close as I could and then screamed "the foosah! the foosah! are attacking the foosah! " yo yo screamed throwing craven across the room and jumped 10 feet in the air landing in the croutch position on the back of the couch her emerald eyes trained on me as if looking for a threat when she realized it was just me of course she lounged at me
" you suck !" I moved out of the way again and she hit the ground breaking a jar "ow!" she cried as I giggled until I saw she was actually hurt there was a lot of blood too I was there in the flash
Yo yo shook head in a daze then she looked down and freaked out
"oh my God I'm bleeding! I'm going to die I'm gonna throw up and then I'm going to die" Craven limped over to her and whined yo-yo wheeze coughed dramatically" I see I I see light everything's going cold Craven tell my mother I love her is this the end of Yoyo Goodbye cruel world" she coughed again and then passed out on the floor Craven put his paws on her chest and let out a howl
I just shook my head at the Ridiculousness I was being subjected to "and the award for best actress goes to yo-yo you can get up now" I said removing my hand from her now non-existent wound a light tingly feeling still in my Palms
" righteous you've got to teach me how to do that"
"I don't know what you're talking about" I said innocently heading towards the kitchen it has been a long day and needed a drink I decided to make a buttery nipple I took off my cardigan and went to grab the butterscotch schnapps under the cabinet yo-yo wandered in after me tall and graceful as ever she was still in her uniform she was one of zoe's best tricky tenders I was the other no one did better bar tricks than we did and On Any Given night we could easily rack up nearly two grand a night in tips alone I was the better mixer but yo yo came up with most of the tricks not surprising for someone who had spent 12 years in the circus but she had a thing about fire as in she like to set things on fire sometimes I was one of those things which I really didn't appreciate I mean I've never been hurt but she could have warned me more when she's going to do shit like that
"where is your bow?" she asked gently pulling some the hair away from my face
" I lost it" I said nonchalantly" how was work?" I said trying to change the subject
" it was fine we need to start practicing for the Fall Festival this year though I'm thinking things should be Nightmare Before Christmas this year"
"Wicked" I said genuinely excited that was one of my favorite movies Oogie Boogie was my hero I don't care what anybody else says
"Rae what's on your arm?"
" huh "I look down and saw the five dark bruises encircling my tiny arm
"It's nothing" I said brushing It Off
"you lying sack of taters was it Scott again?"
I took a shot to keep from having an answer I really didn't want to discuss this with yo yo for about the same reason I didn't really want to discuss this with Trevor 1 I can take care of myself I've been doing it for a long time now 2 if he did pull something and yoyo found out about it he be dead and I really didn't feel like having blood on my hands and 3 even though Scott was a complete and utter douchebag I don't really think he would hurt me when it came down to it I mean it just didn't seem like him
" Rae " yo yo said growing impatient
"yes ducky "
"what happened to your arm"
damn !direct question can't be avoided
I pride myself on not lying to people well at least my friends so I didn't have a choice
" he grabbed me today I think he's been drinking on the job or something "I said taking another shot "anyway don't worry about it okay Trevor already took care of it" she nodded letting it go at the mention of Trevor
"at least super dork is good for something" "speaking of super dork the guys want your help with the Halloween party this year "
"pass "yo yo said
"aww yo-yowhy?"
"because I'm not going to play bartender for a bunch of chauvinistic man whores I can go to work if I want that"
" so true "I said taking another shot "but I kind of made a bet with Trevor" I said through a fake cough
"what kind of BET?" yo yo said Darkly
" the kind of bet where we help him if he passes his next test 'I said quickly
"I didn't know what else to do yo-yo he was failing!"
" then let him fail he's not your responsibility!" "neither are you but he's my friend "
yo-yo sighed taking the bottle for me and up turning it
"just exactly what kind of help did you promise?" "just food" I said looking away slightly" just food"
" please!!!" I said giving puppy dog eyes "please don't leave me to fend for myself with all those dirty grungy boys!"
"fine! Ray Lyn Evans you owe me"
"yay ! I love you forever!"
" yeah yeah yeah" she said as I hugged her "what's this on your shoulder ?"she asked pulling away a long black feather
Hey guys here's another chapter are you guys as excited about Halloween as I am comment below tell me about some of your favorite Halloween stuff

the misadventures of  Rae EvansWhere stories live. Discover now