little women big wheels

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Rae's laugh was probably  the funniest and probably the cutest thing I've ever heard it kin da took the sting out of  the fact s

he w

as laughing at me 

she sounded adorable just like a chipmunk

"Oh you got jokes " I grin

"yep and the keys lets go" she said moving for the door and  I'll admit it I followed like a puppy  "Hey  are you even aloud to drive without a car seat"  I tease

"you really wanns play this game cowboy?"she askes raisining an eyebrow at me .

"let's go "I challenged

"hey rag all you want I"ve still never been taken down by a brick" she said  walking through the parking lot towards a very large very high truck  this couldn't be this chicks car "there a problem cowboy?" 

"no" I said bitting back a laugh " just wondering though can you  see over the   steering wheel or do you need a car seat "

she just rolled her eyes and unlocked her car "go ahead laugh there is nothing i havent heard before" she  said jumping for the handle bar caught it  and swung in as limber as a monkey   while i scambled to the other side to catch up  and i almost  bit off my own tounge to keep from  laughing at her siting on a phone book she started the car and then looked at me a little anoyed "what?"

"no offense honey but isn't  this car too big for  you?"

"scuse me?"

"I said no  offense "

"some taken where am i taking you?"

i gave  her my adress and she just nodded  and drumed her  fingers on the steering wheel and stared at me  now it was my turn  to go "what?"

"seatbelt" She said with a duh face


"Yes really we abide by that law in this car "

"Why" I said snaping my  seatbelt

"Because we break this one " she said screeching out of the parking lot  at 90 mph

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!""  I screamed a lot less macholy than i would  have liked and her she giggled like the demon chipmunk she  was 

"aww whats wrong ?"She asked whippimg around  a curve   and just narrowly missing someones headlight " This  car to much for  you" she said swerving  around  another  car


"you scream like a girl  you know that"  

"Your gonna kill us "

"No hon  if  i wanted you dead id i would have just left you in the alley ""ok i get it your pissed im sorry!"

"no im not mad  matter of fact i think we could be great friends as  long as long as you understand this"we started down the steepest hill in town  and then came to a stop  "If you're gonna  game me you'd best be ready to play"

"I' ll keep that in mind but if you don't mind I think I'll walk the rest of the way"I said opening the door

"Why your here "


she put a tiny little hand on my shoulder "Bye bye now trevor and be more  carful  ok "she said sweetlty " see you  around" and she drove off  (at a normal speed i might add ) after she saw me go inside Rae Evans  like I said I'll never forget the first day I met her it was the first time a  girl ever made me piss myself.


MERRY CHRISTMAS! here's your present so please comment vote next parts Rae's POV yay! hope you like it.

the misadventures of  Rae EvansWhere stories live. Discover now