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"What are we looking at again ?" Daniel asked coming up  behind me  handing me something as he looked   over my head
"This captain planet" Derek  said  like the  dill weed  he is "states that the Chipette here belongs to us for Halloween" he said snaking an arm around me and  pulling me into his  side
" what!?" Daniel said appalled "first of all"
Daniel said coming to my rescue  and snatching me back like some stupid kind of tug of war "women haven't belonged to men for centuries if you opened a history book every once in awhile you'd know that you  Idget second of all she has a name"
"Yeah "Derek said "kitchen wench !"he said laughing only  then had I noticed what Daniel had given me it was a little flower pot with one of the prettiest sunflowers I've ever seen it wasn't colored like sunzilla no this one had more Golds and reds in it and it dipped slightly in the middle to make it look a little bit like a heart  it was perfect that was Daniel's gift  he made some the prettiest hybrids flowers  I'd  ever seen he also made some of the deadliest but they were contained either way I loved it and  I couldn't wait to take it home and put it with the others that was probably why I hadn't noticed that Derek had been joined by  some  of  his goons.  before I could even react Jonathan snatched my flower And held it above my head while Mike snatched my ribbon  "well well what  do we have  here, " Jonathan said
"give it back! "I squeaked jumping for it they tossed it back and forth between them forcing me to play monkey in the middle "seriously! " I said getting mad " you're going to drop it" "make me tree freak"
that of course pissed me off so I kicked him in The Shins "big mistake small fry" John said throwing it up in the air as Mike snatched me bye my hair when I ran for it and I watched the pot shattered at my feet  and then I watch them both stomp on it at this point Daniel   looked livid  as they all laughed at me as the tears started to Brim in my eyes
" come on boys play times over you're making her cry" Derek mocked me cruelly then he smacked me on the ass and walked away. In response I let out a Screech that left cracks in the windows  along with the string of profanities "he is so dead! I'm going to kill him! And his little minions too! then I'm going to burrow inside and make a tiny nest! "
Daniel had to hold  me back "we're in public! We're in public! we will release the plants at midnight  but right now we are in public" he said finally getting me to calm down
"just- just let me hit him! just once! just let me take his eye out! just one! "
"Midnight Rae" he said soothingly stroking my hair and handing me a tissue from his pocket
"you do realize this means war dr. Jekyll? "
"as ever Mrs Hyde" he said putting his hand under my chin and smiling evilly
"I believe it's time we go find yoyo"

We found yo-yo in her natural habitat the theatre of course
" Mufasa! "she cried wearing a pair of fox ears while prancing around on the stage."Mufasa! Mufasa! Mufasa! ooooohh  gives me  tingles " and then she let out a cackle
"what are you doing ?"Daniel asked as we made our way to the main stage
"one of the hyenas dropped out. now I have to do her part as well as Nala's for the play this fall. so I'm getting into character. good help is hard to find" she sighed then she offered me a pair of ears "you want to be a hyena? "she questioned with a grin at me and then at Daniel
"what's up dr. Frankenstein I rarely see you outside of the the lab these days?"
"  that's because I Prefer plants to people these days My Dear pet" he said cleaning his glasses "besides this isn't a social call we need your assistance"
" plants to people" yo yo sighed exasperated hopping up on to the piano and lounging on it."you need to get out more Daniel. all work and no play makes Danny a dull boy. but since you ventured all this way into my domain what do you wish of me ?"
"revenge that doesn't send our favorite resident chipmunk to prison. "
Daniel said motioning to me
"I'm not going to prison" I protested
" two words" Daniel said "Tiny nest"
"Rae?" yo yo asked turning her Green Eyes On me all playfulness gone with a look that said who do I have to kill? God I love my friends. I do but when it comes to protecting me they all turn into a bunch of psychos. brilliant, organised psychos. I guess I should have expected as much when our movie Nights consisted of marathons of Forensic Files, snapped, and Law and Order with everybody having a notepad out and ready.
" it's not that bad" I hate it there but I definitely didn't want blood on my hands "Derrick is just being a jerk that's all" I said lamely Daniel said
"'he's being more than a jerk he called her property don't get me started on what he did to her flower then he slapped her ass" Daniel seemed extra upset about that
"he did what?!"
"you see "I said trying to clean it up "what had happened was... "
"quiet you! " yo yo said hearing enough of my bullshit "you with the glasses dr. Frankenstein explain" Daniel replayed the entire event and Yoyo listened intently "so you see This Means War. War requires strategy creativity and of course A Little finesse and who better to help us with that then the lady of a thousand faces"
" you flatter me doctor of course I'll help I've been sick to death of Derek and his frat boy for months now and I believe retribution is in order especially if he thinks he can harass one of their own"
" particularly her ass "Daniel chimed in
"shut up! "I said
"but here's the better question at hand just where the hell was Trevor's antennas  when  Derek decided to come and sign his own death certificate? " good question
" here's what we're going to do I'm going to need a flashlight, some rope, and a cupcake"

the misadventures of  Rae EvansWhere stories live. Discover now