new tricks

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"He lives! "I exclaimed "sunzilla lives! "
"Rae what are you- my God! what did you do?! "Daniel gasped dropping the beakers he was carrying into the lab as he referred to the monster sunflower that was spilling out of the pot
" I know right it's even bigger than me " I said
" a Chihuahua is bigger than" Daniel said
" shut up " I said
"seriously though you planted this for days ago and it's already 8 feet tall your plant on steroids Rae or crack maybe both"
" it's just the new fertilizer I've been working on I don't think it's ready for testing yet I think maybe it's too strong"
" Maybe "he said sarcastically" you created a monster "
"This coming from the guy that mated a rose to a poison ivy and a Venus fly trap"
"It wasn't that bad not that bad"
" it ate a lizard! and burped SunZilla is a teddy bear compared to your meat eating Beast dr. Jekyll "
"touche mrs. Hyde touche"
I grinned at the nickname me and Daniel Have been working in the same lab for over 3 years he was a cute nerdy little redhead with glasses that kind of reminded me of a smart Peter Pan and we become known for our Franken plant creations he liked to breed things together and my stuff always wound up being too big
"speaking of the lizard guzzler how is it "
"good good eyeing the lab rats but good"
" oh wonderful it wants larger prey"
"it makes some of the most beautiful roses." He said wistfully "and they smell like nothing you've ever dreamed of you come see it sometime"
! that's part of the Trap it uses it's flowers as bait it's a diabolical little thorned bastard and you know it if that thing gets out of this lab and Into the Wild who knows what he could do! "
"it's not going to escape it's a plant it doesn't have legs this isn't Little Shop of Horrors" "like hell it isn't! "I said referring back to my own gigantic plant
" point taken it is an impressive plant though keep doing work like this you'll get into the Amazon program for sure "
"you really think so? "I said perking up
"I know so they'd be idiots not to take you "
the Amazon program was all I wanted since I got into the School of botany two years studying abroad exploring unknown areas of the rainforest it was a dream come true for a person like me all the things that could discover the very thought made my toes tingle "maybe we'll get it together"
" Maybe somebody's going to be there to pull you out of the Belly of the snake that's bound to try to eat you on day one"
" I can take care of myself you know "I squeaked
" sure chipmunk sure"
" keep talking one of these days you're going to need someone to save you from the guzzler and I just might not do it "I said crossing my arms and looking away like a child who knows they've won
"okay okay" he said putting his hands up and surrender smile and trying to hold back a laugh you're a very scary chipmunk please be on my side when the players revolt" "I will consider it" I said and we burst out laughing
"hey do you want to go to the Mystic pineapple after we finish up here ?"
"can't today I gotta go meet Yo-Yo at Magic's to go costume shopping maybe next time "I said as we walked to the door I walked out the door and was met with a test paper being shoved in my face
"Read It and Weep princess you belong to us" Derek and some of his other friends said showing off Trevor's passing test paper
"well will you look at that" I said
" I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks"

the misadventures of  Rae EvansWhere stories live. Discover now