Trevor's antena's

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Trevor POV
I can't believe it. I thought as  I looked down at my test. I made an A a freakn' A!  
Oh this is great! I can't  wait to show rae. she'll  be so happy I passed, she won't  even be mad about  the bet. she's  so sweet  like that. that's  why all the guys  like  her  hanging  around. they think she's  hilarious,  especially Derek. I think  he has a little  crush on her.  which is fine by me, but rae doesn't  seem  to  like anyone. she's  just  so serious  sometimes. I wonder if she  ever  really  thinks  about it. sometimes, actually  half the time  to  be exact she's in  school mode, the other half of the time she's the most insane unpredictable person I've ever met on this planet. she's also scary and awesome, 
And she's probably my best friend ever next to Skyler. I'd do anything for her. she's not as fragile as I used to think. I found that out real quick. She can definitely take care of herself, I pray for the person that tries to mess with her. especially if yo yo gets involved. don't get me wrong I like yo yo, I like her alot but that girl is just plain scary sometimes. Actually  half the time to be exact, the other half she's as insane as Rae. if not crazier which, I didn't think was possible. but you've never seen these girls together. I went down to the bar one night to see the girls work and everything was cool for a while. they were twisting bottles, doing tricks, dancing on tables, pouring shots, you name it they did it and they did it well. when I say the cash was flowing, it was flowing. that is until one of the customers got a little grabby. I thought  yo yo was going to kill him for that, but no what she did was much worse. she'll even get angry. that night still gives me chills. "you want to play a game little boy? "she asked, that guy ended up nailed to the wall with 22 knives. don't get me wrong he lived, there wasn't a scratch on him. but the way she threw those knives that night, I made a conscious Vow never to piss her off.
" Trevor just the person I wanted to see."Derek said stopping me as I walked across campus. "where you headed? "
"oh I'm just going to find rae, I was going to show my test. I win the bet."
he quickly took the paper out of my hand and examined it."I can take it to her if you want."
"really you sure?"
"yeah besides I need you to do something for me." he said handing me a flyer "I need you to print off 500 of these and hand them around campus, invite everyone except the Geeks, the dweebs, and the Losers of course." "sure no problem. thanks man, be nice okay."I warned."dude come on it's me, it's Derek. I'm always nice."
" okay see you later."
While I was making flyers I got a call from Skyler.
"what's up puppy chow?" I asked.
"nothing much dog breath. the skies are blue. the culture is Rich and my dad's trying to trap me! "
"whoa! whoa! whoa! back up! what? "
"yeah you heard me right the first time. my dad is trying to trap me. he's trying to arrange a mating that's why he wanted to meet me. man I knew he was up to something. "
"and just how did you find all this out?" "I have sources." " but a mating hasn't been arranged in years. where would he get a crazy idea like that? "
"I don't know, but I'm not having any part of it! "
"Okay slow down. what exactly did you hear from this source of yours?" "something along the lines of  unless I find a suitable mate before he gets back to the country. one will be found for me"
" he can't be serious! And what does he mean about suitable mate?"
" I think you know exactly what he means. you know how dad feels about humans or anything that isn't a werewolf actually."
"even if they  weren't I don't think he'd be able to deny you your mate."
"I think you forgotten who my dad is." Skyler said sounding defeated then he hung up the phone. poor Skyler, alpha silver stone can't really go through with this. I mean  he hasn't been the same since the incident. but that would be like denying Skyler part of his soul. arranging a mating it's something that hasn't been practiced since the war times. when they're weren't enough werewolfs to go around. now the world was overrun by them, so the idea just seemed kind of savage. what could he be up to?
A mind numbing screech broke me out of  my thoughts.
What the hell was that?
Then my ears adjusted.  
I took off to the  lab buildings hoping  she was okay.
When I got there, there  was nothing but a  broken  pot and a trampled sunflower.
Not good  I tried her cell it went straight to voicemail
Soon I had checked the whole campus and there was still no sign of Rae  that's when I ran into Jonathan and Mike they were laughing both of them have smug looks on their faces and one of them still had rae's beaded green ribbon  all I saw was red
" what did you do?! "I said trying to hold back a growl a "chill dude"  Jonathan said  "no one touched your girlfriend"
"  yeah "Mike said we just had a little fun with her"
" you bas-" then there's the Screech of tires and a black van showed up  and something struck me in the back of the head everything started to go black as I  feel myself being tied up I'm pretty sure Jonathan and Mike we're suffering the same fate but they were being gagged and kicked
" you eediot! "I heard one of the assailants say as they shut the doors and sped off "you got the wrong one! "
"two Outta three ain't bad" the other one answered back  "besides this is his fault anyway "and then everything went black

The next few hours with the stuff of nightmares

When I awoke I was in a dark room tied to a chair I think I was the first one to wake up there were 3 other unlucky bastards in the room two of them I recognized one I've never seen before my life I moaned and squinted in the darkness trying to get my eyes to adjust "where-? where am I?" That's when a bunch of candles lit at once Illuminating three dark figures in front of us
" well hello" the middle one spoke "so nice of you to finally join us  Trevor so nice of you all to finally join us"  the figure said as the rest of the people started to stir all three of them we're dressed in these long black robes and these terrifying masks the that's sort of reminded me of an old-timey doctor that's when Jonathan and Mike started to freak out although you can really hear what they were saying their mouths were covered in tape duct tape to be exact and they both have mustaches "what's that? " the middle one said mockingly " I  can't -I can't hear you"
The one on the left the smallest one came forward and ripped the duct tape off both of their mouths emmiting screams from both of them  which sent the three figures into a laughing fit the tiny one  backhanded both Mike and Jonathan so hard I'm pretty sure I heard something break
" silence! "the middle one said it seemed to be the mouthpiece for this hell cult  "do you know why you are here? "no one answered "no matter you will know soon enough" the thing  said gliding towards us." We are the order of the sun and  Rose and you have tormented our deity for the last time! "
"sun and Rose what are you talking about?" I asked still kind of Dazed
" yeah for real I never bothered  no deity "Jonathan said earning him another  slap
"yeah I'm cool with everyone" Mike said
" dude you can't even spell deity "the last guy said at least I think it was a guy I couldn't really see in this lighting
" silence! "the middle one boomed
" each of you has committed a sin against our deity and each of you will pay"
" well I'm a little short on cash what do you say give you an IOU" the third one said laughing  nervously everyone  grew still "insolence" the middle figure said "dr."It called motioning to the one on the right the taller one the third figure disappeared into the corner there was some wrestling and the horrible slurping sound it came back with a simple  rose plant in a  pot or at least it looked like white rose plant that was until a few of them started to open up revealing huge slimy tongues in the middle of each other and many rows of tiny pointed teeth
"what the hell is that?" Jonathan said
"why this gentleman is a guzzler also known as your worst nightmare observe. dr." He took the plant over to the insolent one and the next thing I saw will be burned in my memory forever the plant begin to shiver and move and bite chunks into the face of its prey blood sprayed everywhere and the screams were horrendous probably because the screams weren't just from the victim but they came from all of us I'm pretty sure Jonathan and Mike pissed their pants the guy screamed and begged and pleaded and cried and then finally went limp dispose of that garbage dr. The third figured now took the limp corpse by the chair and drug it out of the room now
"does anyone else have anything to say before we begin" the tiny one went up to the middle one and whispered something into its ear
" I see "the middle one said" I suppose you can have that one for your amusement but you two are staying with me" that was when the doctor returned
the tiny one came towards me with a chain in its hands my heart began to race I was so dead it wrapped the chain around my wrists and pulled me up and led me upstairs and out of basement after its shut the door the screaming continued after locking the door the tiny one let me into small room why push me to the ground this is it this is where I'm going to die it didn't went over to a table covered in instruments and grab something and came towards me again it then brought the instrument towards me and cut my chains? that's when the figured dropped its robe and removed its mask revealing a very disheveled looking Rae "well that could have been nasty huh? "she giggled
" Ray!" I said and then I passed out again from shock

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