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Your POV
I stood in an attention stance. My hands were behind my back and my back was straight. The biggest day of my life was finally here: police graduation! Me and the other trainees were standing perfectly still with emotionless faces awaiting our name to be called by our trainer and captain, Chief Keith Shardis. He was hard on us, but he made sure we knew everything we needed to before going into the real crime world.

"And now, time to call forward out top ten graduates. Starting with Mikasa Ackerman as number one." The crowed clapped their hands and a few people were screaming her name. Mikasa had grown to be a close and good friend during training. She walked up to the podium and received her badge. Although she looked emotionless in her face, her dark grey eyes were simply glowing, being overwhelmed with pride and joy. Captain Shardis placed the badge to her uniform and saluted her. She saluted in response and walked off to the end of the stage to wait for the next person.

"Now we have (y/n) (l/n) as number two." I marched up to the podium just as I have been trained to and received my badge. I could hear my mom and younger brother going crazy in the audience. "Good job." I heard Captain Shardis whisper to me. I smiled and nodded back to him, letting him know that I was thankful since I was told not to talk. I was saluted and I saluted back. I then made my way right next to Mikasa. We stood there staring at the audience and awaiting for the next person.

"Now we have Eren Jaeger as number three." The process was repeated with him as well. Eren was a good friend of mine since third grade and we both decided to become officers our sophomore year in high school. After he got his crest, he came over to stand by my side. We stood staring out at the audience and felt wonderful. Our dreams were finally accomplished! Now the real question is can we get the same precinct? If not, that's okay, but I would like to be with at least someone I know.

A couple more minutes have past and we were dismissed to be with out families. I steadily made my way over to my mom and brother, embracing them both in a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you (y/n)!" My mother told me. Some tears were streaming down her face and landing on my uniform. I didn't mind.

"So your finally a real cop now, huh?" My brother asked excitedly. He's younger than I am, but a lot taller.

"Yeah buddy!" I gave him a high five. "So I don't wanna see you for the wrong reasons, got it?"

"Yeah, okay sis!" He hugged me again.

"You worked so hard (y/n)! I hope it's everything you've wanted." My mom commented.

"Oh I'm sure it will be!" I let go of my brother and turned to face my mom.

"Don't forget to call us when you can or stop by okay?"

"I won't forget! Promise."

"Hey! (Y/n)!" I recognized that voice instantly. I turned around and saw Eren and Mikasa coming towards me with smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys!" I flung my arms around my two buds. "Did Armin manage to make it?"

"I dunno." Eren pulled back and looked around. Armin was one of my friends that I've known almost forever, longer than Eren. He was so kind, but crazy smart. He was busy working with the police force and on classified assignments with the government, so he hardly had a lot of time off. I joined Eren and Mikasa in looking for Armin. We walked all around the field where the event was taking place and we weren't having much luck.

After a few more minutes of searching, we all kind of gave up and came to the conclusion that he didn't get the time off. All of us were disappointed, but we completely understood why he couldn't come.

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