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Your POV

"Mathew (l/n)." Levi told me his partner's name. I knew that the story sounded familiar... My dad was shot and killed at my school. I was the little girl at gun point. I remember the police trying to ask me what I saw, but I was too shaken up to tell them. Over time, they thought that I wouldn't be able to help them because I was a kid. They just forgot about me at the time, but I never did. I remember everything as if it happened yesterday.


I just went to my first day of my Second Grade year at elementary school. Everything was great- I saw Armin, the only kid I got along with real well, and meet some new transfer students. The teacher, Mrs. Graywall was very kind to us and explained everything to us in an easy to understand way. Of course it was basic knowledge, but it was very complex to me back then.

A couple days had gone by before we had a story day. We sat in a circle in the center of the room on a large, dark blue, ABC's rug. The teacher pulled out a Dr. Seuss' "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" and began to read to us. This was Armin's and my favorite story at the time. Now Armin is into research documents while I'm into murder mysteries and manga. Mrs. Graywall reached about half way through the book before someone burst the door wide open. She immediately jumped out of her chair and told us to get behind her. Not questioning her, we went behind her and looked at the strange man. He had long, dark brown hair and chocolate eyes mixed with a little green. He had a large horizontal scar above his right eyebrow and down to his cheekbone. The man also had a small hand gun in his hand, pointing at Mrs. Graywall. I don't remember what he was saying, I just never could remember. All I can remember was that he was yelling at her for something. Before all of us knew it, he shot and killed Mrs. Graywall, spilling her blood onto the rug.

All of us began screaming and the school set off the lock down bell. I ran up to Mrs. Graywall's corpse and tried to wake her up. The man looked terrified, walking around the room with his hands clenching his forehead. He mumbled something I still can't remember. Then my dad burst through the door and had his gun pointing at the man. I was relieved that he finally showed up. He was always my hero: the one who would always make me feel better, the one who saved people in real life, the one who would save me now. Little did I know that my fairy tale ending wouldn't happen.

The man who killed my teacher looked at my dad with wide eyes. He was mortified about him, about going to jail or dying himself. Out of desperation, he reached for the closest kid to be a hostage. That happened to be the one shaking Mrs. Graywall's body. That happened to be me. He yanked me from her and put the gun up to my head and yelled at my dad. It's the only thing I remember that he said. He told my dad to leave and I wouldn't get hurt. My dad was very cautious. I remember balling like crazy, tears streaming out of my gentle (e/c) eyes like rivers.

"It's going to be okay." My dad soothed me. He knew I was scarred out of my mind and he still comforted me. "Put the gun down." Mathew said calmly. The man didn't care and pressed the gun further into the temple of my head. It was painful for how hard he was doing it. The man and my dad then began to argue. Before I knew it, there was a loud bang and my dad fell to the ground with blood coming from his chest. The man let go of me and left the school swiftly. I can't remember what happened directly after that, but I do remember him leaving. All I can remember was my head hurting, but nothing more. I ran over to my dad sobbing his name. He was just slightly awake and breathing weakly. He put his hand up to my cheek and rubbed it.

"I'm going to be okay, sweetheart." He whispered to me. "Don't worry, okay?" I nodded. "Can you call the police for me, my Queen?" He would always call me his little queen, which made me feel special because I wasn't a princess, I was better than that. I reached for his 'business' phone, which was a Nokia flip phone. I called 911 and within a few minutes the police had arrived. My dad was practically dead when they got there, just barely even breathing. The police came into the room and everything just blacked out to me after that.

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