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Levi's POV
I woke up from my nap that I chose to take today. Just from judging on the light coming in from outside, it was night. Probably really late or early morning. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time: 2:43 AM. Great... A whole day wasted.

I crawled out of bed and decided to grab a quick cup of tea. I pulled the box with the tea bags out of the cupboard and began to make some. I brought my glass over to my bed, placed it on the small nightstand with a lamp, and just relaxed. I didn't notice it before, but there was a light coming from under (y/n)'s door. Was she still awake?

Curious, I got up and quietly tip-toed to the white door, barely knocking on it just in case she wasn't awake. I grabbed the handle and opened the door, seeing (y/n) sound asleep at her desk, which was covered in paperwork for the case. She had her arms crossed on top of the table and seemed to be shivering slightly.

I sighed and approached her desk stealthily, grabbing a blanket off her bed as I did so. I gently draped it over her back and covered her shoulders. As I made sure she was covered completely, I turned off the lamp and left her room to drink my early morning tea.
Your POV
The 6:30 AM alarm on my phone began to beep the most dreaded sound of the day. I reluctantly opened my heavy eyelids and found myself asleep on the desk. Oh yeah, I remember. I was working on this until I fell asleep.

One thing I didn't remember was the blanket around my shoulders that was covering me. Did I grab one last night? Levi was out cold when I was working, so he probably couldn't have. That is, at least, if he's awake right now.

I stretched my aching arms above my head, causing the blanket to fall onto the floor, and yawned. I got up, picked up the cover and put it on the bed before leaving my room for some breakfast.

I exited the room and went into the kitchen, not even looking over where Levi would be sleeping, to make some breakfast. If he was asleep, this would surely wake him up... I hope. I opened the midget fridge and pulled out some eggs (or something else if you don't like eggs, you just have to be able to cook it).

I turned on the skillet and began cooking myself some breakfast. After a few minutes, I plug my food on a plate and turned off the stove. I then headed over to the small table, glancing over where Levi would be sleeping to find him sitting on his bed facing the window.

The world outside was dark, with a dark red sky and dark clouds. It looked like something straight out of a horror scene.

"Good morning." I said to him, my voice slurred. No response. I repeated myself a little louder, but not too loud so I wouldn't wake up the neighbors.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning." He seemed to have a small porcelain tea cup in his hand which he brought up to his mouth... With his hand holding the top of the cup and not the handle. Who drinks their tea like that? Who drinks anything like that? Apparently he does.

"Why are you drinking like that?" I inquired. I couldn't help myself.

"None of your business." Levi growled back.

"Sorry." I wasn't. Does he have to be such a jerk? Like for real?

~le time skip brought to you by tea~

The morning came and went and it was time for us to get going. Levi told me that we were setting a stake out at a local cafe, and if the person we're looking for isn't there, the tavern next door.

When I reviewed the files the other night, it talked about a few of his favorite hangouts, one being the cafe and the other, the bar. Hopefully no one would get wasted or something*.

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