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Your POV
I could hardly sleep that night when I got home. I wasn't sure whether it was anxiety, excitement, or just naturally having trouble with sleep. I left my bed just a few minutes before my alarm sounded off and got ready for the day. Levi told me that I was to bring my normal "civilian" clothes and anything else I would need. Basically, I was moving out for some time, how long I didn't know. I packed my suitcase and grabbed a few of my other possessions that I loved, like the photo of me and the whole family.

I quickly got a bite to eat and set out early to the station. Levi said that we were going to meet up early at the police station to pick up our police equipment like our guns and bullet-proof vests, if we needed them. I pulled into the station's parking lot and got out of the car, bringing my belongings with me. I approached the doors, noticing that they were locked. I pressed my face against the window and saw someone sitting behind the counter. I knocked on the door and they let me come in, after asking me for my ID that is.

I went over to the benches on the right of the door where Levi told me to meet up and I waited. Time seemed to be passing by so slowly- a few minutes felt like a few hours. I considered falling asleep a couple of times, but I was afraid that my partner would come in and startle me to death in order to wake me up. I can see him doing that, at least from the impression that I got from everyone.

I waited a few more eternities before there was a knock at the door. I leaned forward to see who was there and immediately got up to let them in. Levi impatiently tapped his foot with an irritated face while I opened the door.

"Good morning Levi." I greeted.

"Who?" He replied with a confused tone. I forgot, he wasn't 'Levi,' he was 'Luke.'

"Sorry, good morning Luke." I got out of the way and let him in.

"You really need to work on that." He hissed and entered the building. He strode over to the benches and dropped off his suitcase. "Let's go."

He began to walk towards the locker rooms where we kept all of out equipment. The 'locker room' was in the far back of the entire station to make sure that if any criminal were to break in, somehow, they couldn't get to the weapons quickly. We both entered our designated rooms and grabbed our guns, ammunition, and vests.

He told me in great detail that we weren't going to be wearing our bullet-proof vests because it would clearly be obvious that we were officers. We were to wear our guns at all time, but keep them hidden from view. If we were inspected for weapons, we just show them our badge and inform them that we were on an undercover operation, nothing more. It seemed simple enough to handle.

After we both got everything we needed, we headed back out to the lobby where we hid them deep into our "luggage." We grabbed our things and headed outside.

"So who's car are we going to use?" I asked. I knew that he had his own car and I obviously had my own. We couldn't use a police vehicle because that would be a dead giveaway of our intentions.

"Let's use mine." He waved his hand in a gesture to follow him. I did so and we strolled through the parking lot until we reached a large Ford f-150 Dark Blue truck. Levi opened the back seat and tossed his stuff in the back and instructed me to do the same. After I put my luggage in the back, I closed the door and scurried to the other side. Thankfully that it wasn't a monster truck. If it was, I would have no idea how he would get in it let alone me.

We entered the car and Levi drove off the lot. He told me on the way that he found a decent sized apartment where we can 'set up shop.' When we arrived, it wasn't all that bad.

It was a little tight, but it was good enough to serve as a base. There was a small hallway with light brown walls right at the doorway and a coffee table on the left with two chairs. Immediately to the right of the coffee table was when it opened up. The kitchen was small and on the right and the apartment opened into a small studio bedroom with a TV on the right wall. About a foot from the TV was another small hallway leading to the bathroom and another small bedroom. The other small bedroom had a small desk that could probably fit a couple of files and a lamp.

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