Q & A Responses!

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Thank you all to those who answered questions! Here are my responses! 😊


@ihoneysenpai9 asks: "Did you get your inspiration for this book from another writer, or did it just come to you?"

It just came to me! :) The only story that I have that came from another person is "First to Go."

@Im-a-accident asks: "Did you write your story before or as it goes?"

A bit of both! I have a small journal that I keep in my room, which had all the major plot points that I want to happen within the story. However, sometimes another idea just pops into my head while I write, so I include it in the story. Sometimes when this happens, the idea doesn't fit after looking at the overall scheme of things, so I deleted an entire chapter! 😂 The largest one I wrote where I went "Meh, I don't like it" was over 3,000 words!

@Milky_Says_Moo7 asks: "Would you say hi to a stranger in hopes of making a conversation if said stranger looked sad?"

Absolutely! I love to help people, and I've actually helped a few people who were having a rough time in their lives. I love making people happy as well, it pains me to see anyone upset. I always try to put a smile on someone's face if I can! :)

@hawboi02 asks: "How old are you?"

I am 17, almost 18! My birthday is in a couple months actually! :)

@DatRandompep asks: "If you could, would you date Levi or Erin?"

Ooooo, good question! If age is a factor, then probably Eren! 😆 Levi is a LOT older than me lol 😂 But if it isn't, then I would probably go out with Levi. They both are good guys, it's really hard to choose between them!

@CheetahPaws1239 asks: "What is your favorite fandom (out of all of them) and why???"

I'm a fan of a LOT of things, but I'm not really part of the fandoms. Some of them creep me out 😂😂 But out of the few I have, I'd have to say just the overall anime fandom. In this fandom, I have been able to make a lot of friends (both online and in real life) and I've been able to express my creativity through writing. It also has taken up the most of my life so I would think it'd be my favorite 😂

@Felicianolovino asks: "What made you choose this plot and write a story on law and justice??"

Two things really: One, I really appreciate the law and the justice system, and I've always been a fan of murder mysteries! So I thought to myself, how about I incorporate one of my favorite characters into a murder mystery? And two, I thought to myself, what would Levi probably do if he was real? I've done some research on him and learned that he was a really good cook, but I couldn't come up with a story about a chef really well 😂 So I thought, "He'd probably be a cop?" And thus the story was created.

@PrincessDevil1413 asks: "What prompted you to make this awesome fanfiction?"

First of all, thank you for thinking it's awesome! It really means a lot! :) Secondly, the reason is pretty simple. I was reading a different Levi x Reader fanfiction and was suddenly hit with "You know what would be a good read? A cop Levi x Reader!" So I searched around on Wattpad for a while and didn't find anything. I then thought that since I was already writing an x Reader with Eren, and I've always wanted to write one with Levi, why not do this? But my only problem was the plot. After taking a shower (because that's where all good ideas come from lol), I thought of a good plot, wrote it down, and began my writing! :)


Thank you all again so much for asking questions and for your never ending support! It all really means so much to me. ❤️ I can't believe it's already been two YEARS since I started writing here on Wattpad! I can't thank you wonderful readers enough for everything, so thank you, thank you, thank you!!

If you have anymore questions, don't feel afraid to ask them here or message me! I will try to get back to you and answer as soon as I can! :)

Stay awesome everyone!

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