~Nineteen~ (Final)

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The following chapter contains sexual themes, scenes of violence, and mild gore. It is also about 7,000 words, so please enjoy.

Your POV
"NYPD! We have a warrant! Open up!" Levi shouted persistently at the door, Sarah Lupul refusing to answer us. We knew that she was here, for sure; her car was still parked out front. Although it could mean that she walked elsewhere, the location of her neighborhood made it difficult to go anywhere without a car.

"Sarah Lupul! Open up!" Levi yelled again, slamming his fist against the wooden door, a frantic scuffle faintly heard behind her door against the wood floors. We assumed that Lupul was trying to make a run for it. She probably was thinking that we wouldn't be able to catch her, but her gun and financials were all that we needed to tie her to the murders. It was finally time to put an end to the Grim Reaper's killing spree.

Upon hearing the scuffling on the floor, Levi wasted no time in breaking down her door. For being rather small, I was quite surprised to see him be able to kick down the door in only a few tries. I honestly thought it would take us a little while longer. This makes me almost wonder if he had done this a lot before. I didn't spend much time thinking as we both clearly saw Sarah Lupul making a run for it into her backyard. It almost made me laugh; she was going to back herself into a corner and make it easier for us to get her. However, she would probably be even more dangerous than she already was.

Levi and I wasted no time rushing in after her, our equipment not slowing us down at all. Levi took the lead, being only slightly more quicker than I was... well maybe a lot faster than I was. It was both embarrassing and amusing to see happen. I quickly pushed this out of my mind and swiftly followed behind my partner into her backyard. Although small, it was elegantly laid out with several trees and pathways, including some large decorative stones that were against the wall. Lupul was rapidly scaling the rocks with a determined expression on her scarred face to leave her property and make a run for it.

Leaping up to a point just beneath Sarah, Levi managed to quickly grab her leg. I was almost seeing a completely different person before me; Levi was much more agile and athletic than I had previously believed. He managed to swiftly and cautiously pull her down to the ground, ending her escape attempt. I rushed next to them and instantly slapped handcuffs onto this monster. We picked her up off of the ground, a disappointed and fearful sigh escaping from Sarah's lips.

"Sarah Lupul, you are under arrest." I informed her, despite her probably already knowing this. I began to inform her of her Miranda Rights, of which she never really seemed to be listening, or if she already knew what they were. In fact, she tried to make me stop telling her, but I didn't want her to get a mistrial under something so minute and get back out into the world. We put her in the back of the car and began to drive off.

"Please, I'm not a killer! I'm innocent!" She pleaded us as we drove back to the station.

"If you're not the killer, then why would you run?" I found myself snapping at her, a little sharper than I had intended to. Sarah noticed this as well and almost looked insulted.

"If you were being set up, wouldn't you run too?" Sarah responded with a flat voice. "I know I'm being set up. My financials are screwed up, it's gotta be identity theft or something! Please, I am innocent!" She continued to plead through the entire ride back to the precinct. There was no way that I believed or trusted her, but a very small part of me was thinking about her claims. She sounded extremely desperate that made most of me think that she was just trying to not get arrested, but a very small part of me was thinking that she could be telling the truth.

Her story hasn't changed this whole time, always having her say that she was being set up or being framed. But the evidence always told a different story, saying that she was the Grim Reaper and the one who had committed so many atrocities. I didn't want to believe what she was saying, but a little part of me wanted to. I had no idea why I was even considering her desperate story to get a chance at freedom, but then again why would she tell the same tale each time?

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