[3] Fire & Fumes [Closed]

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Day 2: October 16th, 2091

53 F - Crisp, windy, clear skies

8000 Hours

It's been 1 day since the last chapter.


Entei stood on the top of a mountain in the Taconic Mountains, peering into New York City. He exhaled.

Raikou and Suicune were nearby, staring as well. He was the last to arrive. 

He was the last to know.

Entei heard a noise and looked up, seeing a large metal machine - one of the humans'...planes, they called it - fly overhead. He growled and ducked away.

Bad things would be coming soon.

He only hoped those chosen few would survive.

He knew not all would make it out alive...



[Last chapter update coming son]

NOW, it's the morning after the Trainers' first mission and after the dinner that followed. Characters should be waking up in their new dorm rooms [list is coming soon but is teh same as the last chapter] and should be heading to the cafeteria to eat. There's no mission today, but something else instead.

***Mission Details***

Mission #2 - Smoke & Mirrors

Mission #2 - Smoke & Mirrors

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The Targets:

Torkoal and Koffing/Wheezing have been infamously known to team up and 'smoke out' entire cities - the Koffing/Wheezing  use poison gas (which poisons people and makes them weak/faint), smog/smokescreen (to make visibility extremely slow), and offensively, sludge bomb. They can also explode (by using explosion).They have only one weakness: psychic-types - and they have a lot of defensive strengths, with typing weaknesses and whatnot.

The Torkoal are very slow but very defensive. They join in with the Koffing/Wheezing in the smokescreen/smog, and can use heat wave (which, if there's enough smoke built up, can ignite completely). They use flame burst offensively.

They will smoke the field and make it impossible to see each other/know who's what, so be careful who your characters attack. It can be an ally.

Also, there is the danger of there being a heat wave...


The Location:

Once the smoke clears, the characters will have a glimpse of ruins - an old Poke-Stop. Most have been destroyed, but this still stands, an ancient look in the past.

[More details coming soon - in the next chapter]

The Transportation:

Bullet trains are the primary mode of transportation - they're fast, cheap(er), and are unable to be attacked by flying Pokemon, should they attack the city. They are underground and aboveground, and are like MagLev trains - they use magnets. They're sleek, made of steel, and the interiors are plain as well.

There's 2 lines of seats on either side of the train car they're in; there's weapons on one end of it (if anyone needs it), and on the other is a screen, presumably for the mission details to be presented on.

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