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The harsh gust of wind sent chills up her body and goosebumps on her arms. The young girl wasn't used to this weather, especially in LA where it's supposed to be warm and sunny all the time. This was probably going to be her worst winter yet... As the frizzy haired blonde curled in a ball and wrapped herself in the thin worn out green blanket she had, she squeezed her eyes shut in hope of sleep to take over. For some reason this night was tougher than the others, the smell of the fresh bread baking wouldn't leave her alone this time. Dinah has made herself comfortable in the bakery's and laundry mat's alley for the past few days of winter, she usually stays by the heater that the laundry mat provides but she couldn't get warm tonight. The girl sighed to herself as she listened to the few cars and people pass by along with the various sounds that come from the laundry mat. She checks her backpack for something to do but all she has in there is two extra pairs of underwear and a worn out pink t-shirt that she's been meaning to wash. She sighs once again before checking the pockets on her heavy grey sweater. She feels around but there's nothing but a few coins and three one dollar bills.

"Maybe I can walk around and grab a snack somewhere..." Dinah mumbles to herself.

She's not used to eating this late but she has nothing else to do so the blonde stumbles to her feet and folds her blanket up, stuffing it into her torn backpack. She steps out of her little hiding space and walks along the street, she sees that nothing is really open at this time, nothing but that 24 hour coffee shop that she passed a few days ago, she squeezes her eyes closed for a moment trying to remember exactly where it was, finally she's confident enough to start heading the direction. Passing a few people shooting her sorrowful or weird looks, sometimes frightened looks due to her height, she finally sees the neon 24hr sign that she's been looking for. Sprinting over to the small shop she burst through the door trying to catch her breath a bit.

"Hello welcome to Ally's Café...." A raven haired girl says unenthusiastically without bothering to turn around from wiping off the pink tables.

"May I sit down?" Dinah says nervously while looking down and playing with her fingers.

"Sure why wouldn't we let you- oooohhh that's why..." The worker finally says as she turns around and faces Dinah.

The small girl blushes in embarrassment from her appearance. "I can leave if you would like me to, I understand..." She squeaks out as she turns to walk out.

"No! Oh my gosh please stay, I certainly don't mind, and I'm sure Ally won't." The waitress says kindly. "Sit down here, I just cleaned it." She said with a toothy smile.

Dinah is shocked at first, no one ever treats her this kind at first glance. "Thank you so much..." Dinah says as she walks over to the table and takes a seat before taking off her backpack and setting it on the floor.

"You wanna menu?" The waitress says as she heads behind the counter.

"Uh... I only have like 3 dollars so anything that price would be great..." Dinah says as she watches the girl scramble under the counter.

"Oh no please, it's on the house... I'll fix you up something fresh." The girl says with a wink before disappearing behind the back door to the kitchen.

The Polynesian girl waits patiently before the waitress comes back with a cappuccino and a chocolate muffin along with a banana on the side.

"Here ya go!" The girl says kindly as she sets the food in front of Dinah. But she takes a seat right in front of Dinah.

"What's your name girly?" She questions as she places her elbows on the table.

"Dinah Jane..." She says shyly as she starts peeling the banana.

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