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I really need to get this book finished bc I already have my normila one going on PLUS two others I wanna publish!... I'm horrible with sticking to one thing. OK BYE I LOVE YOU GUYS

-xx lana

Dinah woke up in Lauren's bed, she was freezing when they got home so Lauren didn't want to make her suffer on the blow up mattress considering she didn't have a heater.

"Morning DJ, want breakfast?" Lauren yawned as she turned and faced the sleepy girl. She noticed that she had dark circles under her eyes, and they were a bit red.

"Didn't sleep good?"

Dinah shook her head as she sighed.

"Was it my bed or something else? I know its small but-"

"No, just thinking all night... It was very comfortable though."

"Thinking about?" Lauren pressed.

Dinah bit her lip and broke eye contact with Lauren. "Nothing really, just thoughts..."

Lauren sensed that wasn't the case. "You can tell me..."

The young girl hesitated, "I-I... Normani..."

A soft grin appeared on Lauren's face.

"Looks like I'm not the only gay one..."

Dinah laughed and rolled over on her back.

"Aren't you mad?"

Lauren raised her thick eyebrow. "Why would I be mad?"

"You don't like her..."

The green eyed girl shrugged. "Ya, but she's turning around..."

"Is she?"

"Yeah, ever since you came, she's been much better..."

Dinah smiled at the thought. "She held my hand last night..."

"Last time I tried to touch her she scratched me with her acrylic nails... She's like a mean pure bred cat that only likes few people in her life... Seems like you're one of them. It's rare, she never talks to us, the only people she talks to are Ariana and her mom, looks like you can be added to that very small list..."

That made Dinah smile even wider. She turned her head towards Lauren. "Are we both supposed to be sleeping in the same bed if we both like girls?... I mean, I don't really know how this gay thing works honestly..."

Lauren tried to hold in her laugh but she couldn't. "You're funny... And there's no set rules to all of this silly, we're just friends, that both like girls... No biggie, don't stress sweets."

Dinah blushed. "Oh... Sorry." She laughed a bit.

"No problem... How about you try to go back to sleep while I get breakfast ready... I'm working the night shift today, if you wanna come."

Dinah nodded quickly and shut her eyes tightly in hope of sleep. She managed to get a few more minutes in, possibly even an hour. But the thoughts of the dark skinned goddess raced through her mind. Her chocolate brown eyes basically melting her heart with a single look, her soft hands that held Dinah's ever so genially. Her curly hair that smelt of honey and coconuts. She liked everything about Normani, how she opened up to her, she knew it was hard for her but she did anyways.

Suddenly there was a knock on Lauren's door that awoke Dinah from her semi slumber.

"Oh hey, uhm, did you need something?" She heard Lauren. She couldn't make out the words the other person was saying, but she chose to stay in bed.

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