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Before I continue this id just like to say THANK YOU to ALL of my readers! it means so much to me(: also comments and votes are extremely appreciated! again I cant thank you guys enough, it encourages me to write even more than I already do lol - Lana


Friday came sooner than they thought, so did Dinah's first pay check... Ally was extremely generous for giving Dinah her check for one week of work, plus a bonus. Dinah had $100 in cash, Ally said she'll start giving her actual checks once she gets a bank account.

Dinah gave all the money to Lauren, at first they were both fighting about how Dinah should keep the money for herself, and about how Dinah owes Lauren a bunch of money for all of the clothes. But eventually Dinah won gave the whole stack of cash to Lauren.

The next day was Saturday, the day everyone was looking forward to. Especially Dinah, she's never felt so included in something like she does here, these girls are already like her family, her and her dysfunctional sisters... Except Normani, she didn't know what she was in this equation.

"Dinah! Hello? Were you even listening?" A raspy voice questioned, snapping Dinah out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Dinah asked as her eyebrows creased in confusion.

Lauren rolled her bright green orbs, "I was just saying how their song Loving Someone and how they do this cool thing on their backdrop where-... Wait, what were you thinking about anyways?"

"Nothing." The blonde says as she looks for split ends in her hair.

"Yes you were. Tell me."

"I wasn't!"

"Does it start with an 'N' and end with 'romani'" Lauren laughs.

"Yes actually... Whats up with her? Why is she nice all of a sudden?" Dinah asked as she grinded her back teeth, a nervous habit.

Lauren pondered on the thought. "She just started when you came into the equation... Not sure why though." The older girl shrugged as she went on babbling about the concert and band.



"Shut up already or else you're gonna miss the concert talking about it!" Dinah playfully smacked Lauren on the back. Lauren laughed and pulled out the curling iron so she can curl Dinah's hair. She then pulled out some makeup, and realized that her foundation wasn't exactly Dinah's skin color...

Lauren ended up using a shade in her contouring kit to cover up Dinah's small blemishes. She did the same for herself, along with eyeliner and mascara, then applied some cherry red lipstick. For Dinah, she only put mascara on her and some light pink lipgloss, then filled in her eyebrows so they were more defined.

Dinah changed into her new ripped jeans and a black t-shirt, along with an army patterned jacket and black combat boots, Lauren changed into a pair of faded skinny jeans and a 1975 shirt she already had, along with a faux leather jacket and some Converse.

The two girls drove to Ally's house where everyone was meeting up. Lucy and Ariana were already there, so they were just waiting on Camila.

"So, how long have you been dating?" Dinah asked the couple in front of her with interlaced hands.

"A little more than a year," Lauren smiled at Dinah as Lucy gave her a small peck on the forehead.

"Cute," Dinah smiled sincerely.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and everyone rushed to greet Camila.

But once Dinah swung open the door, she was not only faced with Camila, but with the dark skinned princess with memorizing brown eyes.

here is home. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now