Not All Criminals Are The Same

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"Aaaargh!" Nick groaned as he woke and lifted himself groggily off the couch. He felt his head with a paw as pain pounded behind his eyes. The fox had had one too many drinks last night and as a result, had woken with a hangover. "Ah no! Whiskers is going to kill me!" he moaned. Today he had a late start luckily, so maybe he could shape up by the time he was needed at work.

When Nick had freshened up a bit he walked over to the mirror and checked himself out. The fox still thought he looked like death, although it was an improvement from when he had only just woken up. A loud rumbling growl startled Nick, who instantly looked down at his belly. The fox had not been eating properly lately and decided to have a decent meal for once. Nick decided to eat his breakfast at the coffee shop not far from his dull looking apartment. He grabbed his phone and wallet and strolled out the door. It was unusual for him to walk anywhere anymore, now that he had his own personal patrol car, however Nick decided it would be a nice morning for a walk and a waste of time and fuel driving. Outside the sun shone brightly overhead. Nick decided to call Judy and see if she would be interested in eating with him this morning. He hoped to rekindle their friendship. The bunny answered the phone right away. "Uh sure Nick, I wouldn't mind a blueberry muffin for breakfast," was her response when asked if she would like to join him for; 'the most important meal of the day', as Judy would put it. Nick met his destination shortly. He picked a two seated table outside of the coffee shop, bathing in a pool of warm, gentle sunlight. He ordered two blueberry muffins and two coffees for the both of them. He ordered Judy a small vanilla latte and himself a medium cappuccino. The vulpine did not have long to wait before Judy showed up, skipping happily along the sidewalk until she had reached his table. "Nice day" she noted. "Sure is Carrots" he agreed. The two sat in silence for a few moments so Nick, feeling the pressures of the awkwardness, started tapping at his phone as an excuse not to speak. The waiter soon arrived with their food and the two tucked in hungrily. "Mmm!" Judy mumbled excitedly. "This isn't as good as my family's farm but it tops all the other coffee shops in the city!" She exclaimed. Nick agreed that the food was good however he had tasted much better. "That's where you are wrong Carrots! You really don't know this city do you? Ah don't fret, I'll show you the ropes. This place is good, its got the best cafe food but there is one restaurant in Sahara Square which is just divine!" Nick argued enthusiastically. "I will have to take you one day!" He added. Judy sat in thought for a moment. One of her ears twitched, betraying a sign of uneasiness. Nick knew she was still worried he would humiliate her in public again. Shame washed over him at the thought that she felt she could no longer completely trust him. He knew it would have been hard for her to meet with him here but fortunately she had showed up. "Hmm, okay Nick, show me this place" the bunny finally agreed after some consideration. Nick's ears shot up in delight. She was giving him a chance to redeem himself. He had not expected her to give in so easily. "G-great!" The fox stammered. Nick bit into his warm blueberry muffin. "Mmm, this is still so good for a breakfast food" he mumbled through a full mouth. He heard Judy snort in laughter. "Come on Nick," the lupin sighed once they had finished their meal. "Lets get going. We have a Puma to find!"

The two sat at their desk at the police station. "Who else can we turn too? Where else can we look?" Judy asked exasperated. She seemed genuinely stumped. "I feel like we have asked half the animals in the city!" Nick held a paw to his chin, deep in thought. He swung back and forth on his office chair as he did so. Judy scanned through paperwork and threw the unimportant papers to the ground in frustration. Suddenly, Nick leaped from his chair like lightning. The chair rolled halfway across the room with the force of the fox's sudden outburst. "Of course! Oh, Carrots! I've got it!" He exclaimed, his tail wagging at a radical pace and clicking his thumb and middle finger on one paw. "Oh boy we have been stupid. Mr Big! We could ask Mr Big! He has plenty of connections throughout Zootopia." Judy's eyes lit up with glee. "Oh Slick Nick! You're a genius! Yes!" She jumped up and ran over to the fox arms outstretched, ready to hug him. At the last moment she pulled back and lowered her arms awkwardly, remembering he was still not off the hook. Nick's ears lowered and he turned away. "Uh, yeah. We should go pay Mr. Big a visit" he spoke trying to hide the disappointment from his slightly shaking voice. He would not meet Judy's eyes and he noticed her twiddling her thumbs, guiltily or perhaps just nervously. Nick sighed and began to shuffle out of the room, dragging his tail along the ground. "Nick wa-" his partner called before stopping herself too late. She trailed off and stared blankly at the fox as he turned his head, showing a half lidded gaze but no sign of a smirk this time. He swallowed as he looked glumly at her. She had seemed to have been warming right up this morning but now she was back to practically giving him the cold shoulder. When would their friendship ever revert back to normal again? Judy was now tongue tied so she dropped her saddened gaze to the ground. Her ears now dropped and her little, pink nose twitched. They both hated this situation but Judy just could not let herself forgive him completely. The bunny started thumping her foot on the floorboards and finally Nick had had enough. He pursed his lips and frowned before strutting tight up to the rabbit and catching her in a tight embrace. He grabbed her face gently but held her cheeks in a strong hold. "Carrots, I am sorry. I know it isn't easy for you to trust me but you have to have faith in me. I promise I will make it up to you. You believed in me once and now look how far we have both come. I know you can believe in me again!" He stared deep into her amethyst depths as he spoke with such conviction. Judy's eyes glossed over with emotion and with his right thumb, he brushed away a single stray tear that rolled down her cheek. Judy could not speak but her nose twitched and she nodded. Nick slowly let go of her face but she did not struggle from his hug so for a while, nobody moved. Then the time came to get back to their job. Judy broke from his grasp and stated with a choked up voice that she was going to have another quick chat to chief Bogo before they left. Nick was left alone in the room to ponder over everything. He felt so strongly for Judy and he wanted desperately to make peace with her. The vulpine let out a long, gusty sigh before getting ready to leave. He met Clawhauser on the way out and the two talked for a little while until Judy stepped out of the chief's office. After his talk with the chubby cheetah, Nick felt a little brighter.

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