This Is It

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*AUTHORS NOTE. Please tell me if you are enjoying this story*

Judy had swiped the bear's gun and fastened it in her holster. Now she stared in dismay as Swiftfoot held a gun to her partner's head and clasped his free paw around his neck. In the frazzle, Judy didnt notice the bear dragging himself away. Her paws shook as she aimed her gun at the criminal. "Let him go!" She ordered fiercely. "You have three seconds before I shoot to kill." The bunny heard the puma groan and he turned slowly away from Nick. "Drop your weapon. Get on your knees and put your hands behind your head. I meant it. I won't hesitate to pull this trigger" demanded the cop. Swiftfoot gave her a cold hard stare before releasing his grip on the fox. Nick gasped for air. Swiftfoot slid his gun towards Judy but still within his reach, she noticed. The bunny officer took a wary step towards the weapon. The moment her eyes left the wicked puma, he took his chance. With a swift and heavy blow he swung his arm and thumped Judy across the chest. She flew backwards with a gasp. She was winded before she hit the ground. The puma reclaimed his weapon and launched himself upright within seconds. He aimed his gun at Judy. "Say goodnight you menacing bunny." The world suddenly spun around her as she saw the puma pull the trigger and a deafening blast broke through the night. Her mind raced. Her gun was out of reach, she could hardly breathe and this had happened so fast she could do nothing but stare in horror into the eyes of the hateful criminal who would end her life. But in the same moment Judy saw a flash of orange dart in front if her. With a sickening realisation Judy let out a bloodcurdling screech.

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