Part 2: Chapter 18 My Time has Come

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Allison POV

"That's it," I smile up at my twin sister, she smiles back.

"Wow, that was Amazing...." the interviewer Clara says, "but what happened with Maryse?" she asks, curiosity painting her face.

"I can answer that one," Emilio says, a calm smile on his face.

He's sitting on a red velvet sofa, next to my dad.

The people in the audience go silent, waiting to hear what Emilio has to say.

"I remember it plain as day...." he goes on," Maryse, she was the love of my life...." he continues.

"I will never forget her, as she died that day, while clutching my hands, I knew she was leaving, God let me know ahead of time, he set peace in my heart... I know she's in heaven, probably smiling right now, dancing peacefully and praising the All Mighty." he finishes.

I, myself , never forgot that day....


" We were at the park, with both of you one day," my mom says, her eyes looking far off in the distance somewhere, as if watching the memory play out in her mind.

We're in a beautiful home, our home, they said I could move in if I wanted to, I of coarse....accepted, sitting on a large sectional, the fireplace crackling somewhere nearby, warming my shivering hands.

"We had been playing tag, all of us, together." she says, "Your father and I, we were looking for you, both of you, and we immediately saw Natalie hiding nearby, so we decided to sneak up on her and scare her, but we didn't know, that you," she motions towards me," would be so clever, as to hide farther away, I mean you were only two years old, we didn't think..." she trails off, tears gathering in her eyes.

I lay a gentle hand on her lap, reassuring her, so that she would know it was okay to keep going.

"We found Natalie, laughed our butts off, when we scared her, but when it came to fining you.... well we got worried, until at last we called the police when we spotted a large, dark skinned man taking off with you." she continues, as I cut her off.

"You... you saw him," I say without thinking.

"Well, no... not exactly," she continues.

"I did," Natalie, who's been quiet, but attentive to every word, finally speaks up, sad look on her face.

" It's not your fault, you were two years old," mom says, apprehensively.

"But..." Natalie begins, as I cut her off.

"No, don't... don't ever think like that," I say," it wasn't your fault, besides, that was in teh past, and the past stays in the past, God told me..." I say.

Natalie, looks at me, her expression wonderingly curious, " what happened up there, Al... oh, um sorry, I have a habit of giving people nick names," she says abruptly.

"No, no, I like it... in fact I love it." I say, a smile stretching across my face.

"So, I'm curious, what did happen up there?" my dad, almost the whole time having been in deep thought, speaks up.


I tell them what had happened, the first time I saw Natalie, the accidental step, and God's bright light, including what he said to me.

"Praised be God," says Natalie in astonishment.

Natalie gets up, walks over to one of the drawers under the fifty inch plasma screen TV, and takes out a single DVD. She walks over to the DVD player, and inserts the disc.

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