Sister fight/Scared boys

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Nevada's POV.

Between my sister's constant moaning, Jacks constant groaning, and the shower Caleb was taking...I didn't get any sleep last night. Well that's if you count one hour. Last night was a nightmare. I'm so cranky right now. I untangle myself from Caleb and go to the kitchen. I take my pill. Then make some bacon, pancakes, and eggs. While I was eating my sister comes strolling in the kitchen. "Good Morning Sis. Awwww you made breakfast." She said with a smile on her face, but still holding her head. I can tell she has stumbled onto a hang over.


"Ugh, Nevada shut up. What's your problem." Cathy said as if in pain.

"My PROBLEM is that me and Caleb was having a really good night until you and Jack-le-ass over here ruin it by barging into the room all drunk yelling TRICK OR TREAT!! Not to mention you stared at Caleb's dick. Oh, and I couldn't get some sleep because you and Jack was being loud." I said, purposely yelling the words 'problem' and 'trick or treat'.

"Wait how do you know me and Jack..." She trailed off. "Did you spy on me and Jack? Ewww." she said scrunching up her nose.

"No you idiot. I DID NOT spy on you and Jack. That disgusting. I could here you." I say looking at here like she a straight idiot.

Caleb's POV.

I wake up to the smell of food. I immediately jump out of bed and through some clothes on. I run downstairs and hear yelling. I walk into the kitchen and see Nevvy and Cathy yelling at each other.

Back away slowly.

While I'm backing away slowly to save my life, I bump into Jack. "Hey what's going on in their?" He asked, holding his head.

"Sister girl fight." I say, kinda harshly. I'm kinda mad at him for what happened yesterday, but I think he's paying for it. I mean it's clear he has a horrible hangover.

"Sweet I wanna see." He squeals like a 6 year old kid.

"Dude you wanna die. Man how come I'm younger than you but act older?" I asked. He shrugs then walks into the kitchen. I shake my head, then put up the hunger games mocking Jay sign and whistle.

See you on the other side Jack.

I walk up stares to take a quick shower then brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and all I can think is...

I need a hair cut.
I wonder if their done fighting.
Nah, I saw the way Nevvy looked at Cathy last night when she was staring.
Shit, did I lock my car?
Wait, when school start back up?
Is my kitchen still intacted?
Is Jake still alive?

When I'm all done getting dressed, I make my way down stairs. I see Jack sitting on the couch, holding his jaw. I burst out laughing. "What the fuck happen to you?" I asked.

"Your girl punched me. Well she was trying to punch Cathy but..." He trailed off. I stop laughing when I heard no yelling.

Did they kill each other or something.

Me and Jack scared for our lives walk in the kitchen. Shock at what I saw, I quickly walk over to a plate of food that has my name on it. Jack just stood there staring at them hug like an idiot. "Umm hello, what the fuck are you staring at?" Nevada asked. I can tell she's tired and cranky. I finish eating and stop Nevada from drinking coffee. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to bed. I snuggle with her until she falls asleep.

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