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"Nothing to say for both part got hurt in the way"

Lilly arrived at the hospital with drying tears on her cheeks, asking for someone to get her to Yousef she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around she saw a strong tall man that looked a little like Yousef.

He started talking :

"Hey you're Lilly right, I'm Yousef's brother , he has been in accident on his way to the mall. Apparently someone ran a red light and hit Yousef. He was driving his motocycle and and... its it's bad " 

Lilly's pov:

I can't help but cry again my heart is breaking , as he is then taking me to the waiting room , still crying I didn't notice that someone was approaching but then  kind arms wrapped themselves around me , opening my eyes to see who was hugging me , I recognized Yousef's father.

That's when I heard him whisper : 

"Don't worry my girl , it's going to be okay Yousef is strong he will survive , he is a fighter and he has so many things to do on this earth , may Allah be with him"

I immediately felt better thanking him , I took a seat and stared at the wall in front of me thats when I heard a wail full of so much pain , breaking out of my trance I saw Yousef's mother crying in her sons arms.

That's it that's how you met Yousef's family incredible , ... 

Is that a girl that I hear talking ?

"Hey I'm Yousef's sister"

"hUh I'm sorry what"

"I'm Yousef's sister,  you're Lilly right ? You know he talked a lot about you , even said that you were the one "

"I huh yes "

"I'm sorry this is not a place for that kind of subject but I've been there since he got here and I just I can't think about what's going on anymore , I just ... I just wanted to talk instead of crying"

"It's okay I understand"

"You know he loves you so much , I'm sure that he will do his best to come back to you"

"I'm sure he will do his best to come back for you guys to , he sure loves his family a lot"

"Yeah , you're right"

A few hours has passed , now , the doctor came in to tell us that they had him stabilized , his mom of course insisted to go see him . The doctor agreed that  we could go in there one by one.

No sure if they would let me be alone with him , I tried to think of a way to ask them , but that's when I heard his mother talk to me for the first time :

"Binti, My girl , go see him , you are his friend , he likes you very much you go talk to him so he knows that we are all here"

As soon as I hear her say those words I stood up and engulfed her in a hug that was reciprocated.

Getting in the room I heard the bipping of the machines, and then I saw him , hooked up to all sort of stuff, a bandage around his head , his arm ,  and one of his leg wrapped in a plaster. I tried to remember what the doctor said about his condition, he said that the chances of him waking up weren't to high , my god please let him come back to us.

Crying for the millionth time today I sat next to him and held his hand.  

"Yousef its me , Lilly I just , I wanted to tell you that I'm here whatever will happen I'll be there now , I won't ever let go , but you have to fight this okay ?... I don't know what I'll do without you  I ..."

Even seeing him in this state , I couldn't bring myself to pronounce those words , three simple words that I struggle to say , scared for it to be real , scared of tomorrow even though today is already threatened to be the last. 

Author's note:

Hi ! I hope you liked it 

If you did/or did not don't hesitate to comment, click on the star thingy or even share it because sharing is caring ! Oh and you can even subscribe so that you can keep up with the story.

To be honest I didn't plan on uploading anything more today but seeing that y'all people started reading this story I was like HYYYPED you know , feeling myself and stuff...

Oh well hope this note didn't scare you away , that's it for today (I think)

Thaaaaank you very much 

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