A moment

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"No more wasting time , actions needed to be taken before this situation goes beyond repair"

Yousef's pov:

As soon as I said those words I regretted them . Of course I did not regret telling Lilly that I loved her ! This was the best choice I've ever made . I should never doubt it ever again.

James had left me once again with my thoughts , and now I also wondered about our friends how were they doing ? Where were they ?

Out of nowhere my door opened again and I turned to see who it was

"Alex ? Lauren ? Man it's so good to see you !"

"Oh my god , thank god you're okay, we looked everywhere for you"

"Have you heard anything about the others ?"

"Everyone is okay , Humble is out there looking for Lilly"

I should be the one looking for her, if it wasn't for that stupid concussion I'd be running around the hospital , but right now all I could do was hope for the best...

Lilly's pov:

I was now wandering , in the hospital , I had stopped crying now, my swollen ankle getting the best of me I felt the need to sit down . The corridor I was in was surprisingly empty and right now the silence that resided here was very welcomed.

I shouldn't have talked so fast because as soon as I sat down I heard someone talking to me

Jame's pov:

Getting out of the room , I saw Lilly limping away from Yousef's room . It was so easy , she had heard everything my plan worked out perfectly , now I just had to go confort her and in a blink of an eye Lilly will be mine ...

I followed her and when she sat down went to talk to her 

"Hey , you're Lilly right ? Remember me ?"

"Oh , yes I do you're James right ?"

"Yes James , are you okay ?"

"Yes ... well no I'm not okay I was just having a moment right now but I think it will pass"

"You can talk to me if you want"

"There is nothing to say except that I don't know where life is leading me anymore.. A few hours ago I was so happy , I hoped that it would always be this way but now everything is falling apart and ... I don't know what to do anymore"

"It's going to be okay"

Lilly's pov:

I was crying now and James this total stranger sat down and let me put my head on his shoulder as he comforted me. 

Humble's pov:

I have been searching for Lilly for an hour now , Alex just texted me saying that he found Yousef we just needed to find Lilly and then everything was going to be okay. I was now in an uncrowded corridor and from afar I could see someone crying and leaning on a man's shoulder. 

Noticing the long hair I knew immediately that this was Lilly , as I rushed towards her I yelled her name for her to see me

"Lilly , Lilly ! "

"Humble ?.."

I was now standing in front of her

"Yes Lilly it's me , are you okay ? Why are you crying ? What's happened ?"

"I'm fine , Humble don't worry I'm okay"

"We've been looking for you , and now we found Yousef come on we need to go see him , everyone is in his room now "

Something felt so weird , as I finished my sentence  Lilly didn't try to get up or even wear any happy expression on her face , it was as if she didn't hear what I just said 

"Lilly , did you hear me , we need to go to Yousef's come on !"

"Hey , be careful with her , she is a little tired and don't expect her to go anywhere right now , she has a swollen ankle and she can't walk alone"

A man with blond hair green eyes tall and built up was talking to me , he was the one comforting her earlier but I was so happy to see Lilly that I had forgotten about him 

"And who are you ?"

"I'm James , I'm a nurse... I work here "

"Alright then , thank you for taking care of her , now would you like to help me getting her to her friends?"

"I would have loved to but she needs  a scan to see if her ankle is not broken and I was about to take her there she will come to you later ok ?"

"What ?.."

"Humble it's okay I'll see you very soon ok ?"

"Ok... do you want me to come with you ?"

"No it's okay go see the others tell them that I'm fine"

"Ok I will"

Hugging her before leaving , I didn't trust James to be alone with her so when they couldn't notice me I started following them distantly. 

Yousef's pov:

We still had no news from Humble , the others decided to go get lunch , so I was once again alone in my room and this time I didn't want to stay there doing nothing . I needed to find Lilly I couldn't wait anymore. 

I was stronger than my haziness as I stood up with all the strengh that I had , detached myself from all of those machines and got out of my room , determined to not come back until I find her.

Author's note:

Hello ! Another little cliff-hanger for you but do not worry tomorrow it's about to go dooowwwn 

Thank you very very very much for reading I see that we've reached 3.1 K views and we have 235 likes too and this is great and this is so cool and this is AMAZING !! Soooo thanks y'all ! :D :D :D 

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