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"Both standing in this significant place , wondering if life decided to give them  a second chance"

Lilly's pov:

Yousef's got home today, even if I was dying to see him , I just couldn't bring myself to go at his house. So many things went on in my professional life, it got even busier than before, and it gets me to think that maybe him not remembering was a good thing . Maybe it was a sign that the universe didn't want us to be together...

Immediately regretting thinking that way , I knew that Yousef would come back one day , and I promised him to not let us go , I have to keep my promise not only for myself but also for the him.

Reaching for my phone in my bag , my hand wrapped itself around something else, it was the unicorn glass. Looking at it made me think of that night , that day that was so decisive for us.

Seeing it, made me want to leave my appartement to clear my thought. Driving without purpose I found myself stopping in that exact same quiet street , getting out of my car , I soon found myself in front of the ocean. 

Seeing this beautiful landscape made me think of how comforting it was to be with Yousef here, the place alone felt calming but at the moment kind of empty . If only Yousef remembered everything, if only I had said yes that day. I don't know how long I stood there but it was already sunset now. Thinking about going home I heard footstep , someone was behind me. 

"Lilly is that you"

I knew that voice, but how, it couldn't be ...

"It's me Yousef"

Turning around I saw him, standing in front of me with  a little smile .

"Wow Yousef, I mean How ?... Why are you here?"

Why was he here does he remember ? 

"I don't really know , I was biking and then I ended up here. But I don't know why it feels like I've already been here before. Did I use to come here often ?"

"I well uh, not really , but .... Are you sure you don't remember a thing?"

"I don't think so, I just feel happy here and also a bit sad I think..., being here really rekindle feelings but I don't know who they are directed at. I'm sorry I'm talking to myself , maybe what I'm saying is complete nonsense and that I'm here just because I used to like the ocean or something "

"Yes maybe ... Anyway you must be very tired, how did you bike all the way down here  when you've just recovered from a broken leg. Come on I'm driving you home"

"Please don't , I don't want to bother you , and I still have my bike , I can't leave it behind"

"Nah, don't worry your bike is magic, you can fold it and put it in my trunk"

" Oh okay if you say so then let's do it"

No one's pov:

Lilly and Yousef got into his appartement, Lilly accepting Yousef's offer to have a drink at his mainly because she couldn't help but worry that leaving him alone will make him want to go out again which could be dangerous in his condition.

Putting her bag on the couch , she went over to the kitchen to make them some tea , since Yousef too proud to say anything was a little lost in his kitchen. Telling him to go sit down and rest she got to work. That's when she heard him call her. Dropping everything she went over to the couch to see what it was . She then saw him mouth agape looking down at his hand.

That's when she saw what it was all about, in Yousef's hand was one of the most precious thing she owned, the beautiful and so meaningful unicorn glass ...

Author's note:


Voilà ... that's all for me, got killed by too much magnificence    

Anyway Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! 

Hope you liked it !

Maleclacesizzt and 5ftunicorns y'all guessed it , ain't no Jesus this time , it was Lilly ! :D 

Also Thank you soooo much for reading ! And to those liking and commenting may god bless you with (hopefully) some more of real Yoully material that gonna make y'all (including myself) smile/scream/dance for the eternity ! 

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