(such wow,much luck)

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Indy pov:

"They should be here any moment" I waited about 30 minutes ago and he said that he will be here at that time,so I waited and waited
(One hour later)
"Hey indy did you waited long" "huh,oh wait,why did you tell me the wrong time,again" "oh I'm sorry ok" "celly your father is waiting and in two more days you will go to the same school with me" "wait how about me???" "you,well you will go to the best school here,ok" "thanks oni-chan" "no,do never say that again or else" "or else what oni-chan" i take my phone and try to found amelia number "hello is this putri amelia" "no im sorry*bwah hahaha*" "so dont ok" "*sniff* o...ok" "so lest go"

(somewher on the road)

"s...so how about school" "did you get it for us" "i've already did,celly we will go to the same school and for class me and celly will got to the same class,as for you,your class is next to ours" "oh it's fine"

(at celly house)

"so were here celly" "ahh my dad house" "where gone stop here for a while and we gone go to our new house" "our new house*blush*" i knock the door and her mom open the door "oh indy come in and who did you bring" she's shock and called her husband"(p.s.i forgot their name) "oh she's here,so what are you two waiting for least get in side" "me oh no thanks,im here only gone tell you that she's here and we're gone leave" "oh you mean" "yes the house is ready to be live in" "keep her safe please indy" "ill do my best,so may we go now" "good bye now"we left her house and go to the new house.

(at new house)

  "this is it,so what do you think" "but...but how thow,this is so,i can't" he's really strugling to find the right words "at least get least get inside ok" we got inside and they shock about the interior of the house "how did you,bat howee di you got theh money" "i work for this ok,and dont you think that im not working ok" i show their room,we all have a separate room but my room and celly's room is next to each other and that's great "so hurry up,you guys have to put everything you have inside the room" they both nodded and go to their own room.

(time skip)

         i was waiting for them to get ready until 'phone rings' i pick up the call  
A:hello,may i speak to alex right now!!! 
i:wow,calm down amelia now breath ok.she's taking a deap breath
A:ok now,indy may i talk to alex,please...
i:oh alex huh...wait a sec.i ran to alex's room "hey alex there's a call for you" "oh really" "here just take it,excuse me"i leave the room and i go to celly's room.

arcellya POV:

 'wow how did he get the money to get this house and this nice room' *knock knock* "celly may i come in" "oh indy come on in" "excuse me" he really got more polite "so what do you think about the room celly" "it's nice thanks" after that answer there's along silince,i'm really nervous because it's him,the one that i'm in love with is in the same room as i. "so i'm gone cook something ok,do you want anything" "oh can you make me some thing sweeats" "something sweats coming right up" he left the room and i was thinking about to explore the house,so i got out my room and walk around "oh this is a nice big house" and so i found a door and its lock i wonder,i ran to the kitchen "indy indy" "yeah what is't" i ran into him and make the drinks that he holds fall and his glasses broke "umm celly where are you,i can't see anything it's so blury" this is my chance "umm celly where are you" oh i'm really sorry indy,i came closer to him and i...i kissed him "......................." after i kissed him i ran and get his other glasses "umm,aaah celly did you" i gave him the outher glasses "oh thanks,BTW can i help you" oh good he didn't notice that i kissed him "umm celly" "oh right,i want to ask what is behind to door in the-" "oh that,you really don't want to know" now he make me more curious "do you need anytthing else" "oh n...nothing,but can i help you with anything,like maybe y-" "no thanks.have a good day i got a message that i have to go to work" "oh can i come" "no" "well have a good day then" "bye celly" he left the house leaving me with alex "alex i will go to find a job ok" "ok good luck" i leave the house and go find a job

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