surviving another day

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alex pov:

i woke up its alredy 10.00 am and yet it just a dream i really hope that i never dream about it again.i get ready for today video,i tried to make some coffee to energizes a little bit.

(late noon)

"yo alex how are,wow what happend to you man?" "*sigh* bad dream" " i know how you feel" "what do you mean" "well you see" *after a few minute of explaination* "oh i see,so what are you going to do about it" "tries to survive this dream" "you only on dream,75% of my dream comes real" "what'cdoin" "oh hey girls,we're finnishing some works so bye alex" "w...wait,dont leave mee......." "alex tell us what are you really doing" "nope i wont tell" "i got this amelia" "ok alex follow me" "no please help me...... she's a monster" "who are you calling a monster" "please lilly no"*drags my shirt* "now come"she looked at me like she wants to murder me "amelia help me please,she wants to murder me again" "hey guys.... what the heck are you doing lilly" "dont get in the way charlotte" charlotte pulled my arm "umm guys stop pulling my arms now" "NO!!!!" "oh not again" "amelia dont get mad ok"*holds lilly and charlotte shoulder* "oh no not again"*covering ears* "BOTH of you stop hurting him or else" "or else what,huh" "you both are in trouble now" "ahhhh help us,we're sorry amelia" "oh its already that time i better go bye guys have fun" "no alex help us please" "have fun alex,see you later when i'm done with this two" "ok take care swetty"

(high school)

its already 2 pm where is she "hey alex" "oh celly how are you?" "im fine i..." "yes im kinda fine are you entering for this school to" "yes im and you" "yeah me too,looks like shes entering this school to" "who do you mean?" "you know amelia,she said she wants to go to school here" "oh really,that's great" "you know,you don't have to be like this" "what do you mean...well look at the time,sorry I better go home now.bye" "wait I just want you to know,wow she really rushed over,I wonder"

Celly POV:

I ran away from him thank god,but I don't know why I looked so nervous when I'm around him,i wish i can tell my fellings to him.oh whait tomorrow is the day that the announcement arrived...

(next day)

i meet him again i hope i dont bump in to him *1 minute later* 'oh i forgot i have to check the announcement' "hey celly did you got in to this school" *looking for names* "yes i got in,so did you got in to umm" i turn around and i saw him standing right behinde me "umm a...alex d..did you got to this shool to,hahah" "why are you,never mind btw i got in to this school to,yay,but" "but???" "she did get to the same school as me,well that's sad" "y...yeah" i think it just got worse " see you in the next 3 days" "no i wont see you in 3 days,because i go to your cafe like almomst every day" "se...see you later then" "ok see you later,wow that was awkward" what i was thinking i better go before i late for work.

(somewhere among the road)

i still have a long walk before i arived at the cafe "i wish there's someone can give me a ride at least a few bloks away from it" i hope for something to fast and then "hey celly wana come" "huh come where??" "your going to the cafe right" "right,so?" "there's still a long way to go,so comeon in i'll drop you of there" " need I...I can walk it's really not that far" "no it's fine I'm going somewhere close by,so come on let's go and it's faster" "btw how do you know that I'm going to the cafe and where are you going" "you don't want to know,so let's go" "f...fine I'll go" and I got in the car he drives so quickly I didn't even realize that we're all ready at the cafe "here we are" "t...thanks for the help" "don't mentions it" he left in a hurry I,why am i thinking about him I should get going or I'll be late

alex pov:

I meet celly on the road,I drop her of at the cafe she work on
And then I go to the meeting place to meet someone......
After a while talking to the person,that the person will agree to make me a new house somewhere in southeast Asia.
The I go to the cafe that I dropped celly and I know she work there but on what station though,so I got in sit down and wait for the waitress to come.
I waited for a while with a laptop in front of me,and just now I noticed the celly is wearing a maid uniform and the worst thing is that I didn't read the board in front of the door,to day theme is animal's "noo...... my worst nightmare girls wearing a maid uniform with animal's ears" "s...sir may I t...take your o...order" "c...celly why are you wearing glasses and and cat ears" "I...I worked here*blush*" w...why am i shaking so badly " may I...I take y...your order nyaa" "I will order a latte please and where's the bathroom" "it's over there" she pointed at the door and I rushed in trying to calm my self down "why it's have to be today and why is she wearing that glasses I give her at her birthday,I better go back.

(Back at the table)

I'm back and I saw Brian and Jason just a few tables a way from me 'hmmm what are they doing here' "here's your latte sir" "oh thanks...wait can you call celly here please" "ok sir" I'm still looking at them it seems that they waiting for someone "umm alex w...why did you call me" "does your shift is over" "yes it's already over why" "and why are you still wearing that uniform" "huh*blush*umm they said,she sai" "come on chance your clothes and wear this" I gave her a clothes that I buy on the way here "h...Hey I'm back" "wow you look beautiful" she blushing "they keep asking who are you and they keep saying that you're my boyfriend" "huh this situation again I know how to handle this please wait ok"
I called amelia to tell her that there's a situation like this again and the good thing is that she's ok with this"alright let's act like we're dating ok" "wait what, she" "yes she find with this" "but they're" "ett no buts,now please help me ok" "ok" I explained the things but I didn't notice that she's still using that glasses "will you stop wearing that glasses that's freak me out" "oh ok" and we followed them

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