Chapter 4: Dragon

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Alex lay facedown on his bed. An hour before he had collapsed on the kitchen floor and had a vision of a man who called himself Dragon. Alex believed him, mainly because he had grown up surrounded by tales of the Fabulosa. His parents were both powerful Magicae, and had both attended the Academy of the Magicae.

Alex was still shocked, however, that he was one of the Fabulosa. His parents thought that he had had a normal Coming--or as normal a Coming could be. They thought that his power enabled him to fly, an uncommon but average power.

He shook his head. So many questions were swirling through his brain. What did he do now? His parents had already enrolled him in the Academy of Magicae, but what then? And who were the other Fabulosa? They could be anyone! And even if, if they were enrolled in the Academy, how could he figure out who they were?

Just thinking about it made Alex's head hurt. Maybe he could ask someone. A teacher, maybe. But the Dragon had specifically stated not to tell anyone. Maybe he could ask about the Fabulosa... but how would that help him?

Alex's mind was working overdrive, trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

Alex didn't move, figuring that his parents would get it. Then someone called from downstairs. "Alex! It's Ms. Proditor. She wants to talk to you about transferring to the Academy.

Alex groaned. Almost every school district in America had a Magicae working as a teacher. Ms. Proditor was the one at his school. She was nice enough, but incredibly strict.

He sighed and trudged downstairs. "Yeah?"

"Ms. Proditor would like to personally speak with you."

This puzzled Alex. Why did his pre-algebra teacher want to talk to him privately? Something was up.

Alex's parents left the kitchen, leaving Alex alone with his teacher.

They were silent for a few minutes, the tall dark-skinned boy with curly black hair and the short, pale and brown haired teacher.

Ms. Proditor was the first to speak.
"Well, Alex. It seems that you have a little secret." Her eyes twinkled merrily.

Alex didn't say anything. She could be tricking him. She couldn't possibly know.

As if she read his mind, Ms. Proditor smiled. "Oh yes, Mr. Dragoni. I know. You are one-third of the legendary Fabulosa."

Alex couldn't believe his ears. How did she...?

His math teacher smiled. "I have my ways. You need to go pack. Now. I need to get you to the Academy as fast as possible. I told your parents that it is because you have special abilities that need to be studied, which is technically true."

Alex grinned. Math teachers were a lot nicer when you got them away from the blackboard.

"Well, get upstairs and grab your things! We have two more Fabulosa to pick up, and we need to be at the Academy by eight. I have a tight schedule, so hurry!"

Alex turned and scurried upstairs. Everything he would need at the Academy was already folded, albeit slightly disheveled, in his new gray suitcase.

His mom hugged him, a tear dripping down her cheek. "Alex, have a good year. We're going to miss you."

Alex squeezed her back, a tear rolling down his face as well. "Bye Mom. Love you."

His dad smiled. "Be safe. Don't get into trouble. And your mom packed about a million stamps so you can write us. So don't forget to!"

Alex nodded. He was about to leave his home since childhood, going to a place he had never been but had heard about for years.

Then Mrs. Proditor was rushing him out the door to her small blue minivan, and Alex was waving goodbye to his parents.

And he was off.

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