Chapter 23: Forgiveness

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Geneva wasn't in the lunch room when Penny went to look, and they didn't have any other classes together. At the end of the day, when Penny headed back to the dorm, the other girl was on her bed reading.

"Geneva?" Penny asked softly.

Geneva turned a page and didn't answer.

"I'm sorry about earlier. It's... I wish I could tell you, but I can't, and..."

Geneva closed the book, lay down, and closed her eyes.

Penny sighed. Tears pricked her eyes as she got ready for bed.

It was a long time before Penny got any sleep that night.


The next morning, Penny woke up at 7 o'clock. When she rolled over, she saw Geneva leaving the room.

Penny sighed and got out of bed, following Geneva out into the hallway.

Geneva turned around when the door shut, but ignored Penny and speed up as she walked to the cafeteria.

Penny hurried after her. "Geneva-- look, I'm really sorry--"

Finally Geneva stopped. "Sorry about what? Not telling me some big, important secret? Totally ditching me during lunch? Leaving me at the mercy of Emma Erora, who decided to vent her anger on me for some reason?"

"Wait, what?" Penny said, trying to keep up. "What about Emma?"

Geneva rolled her eyes. "She basically humiliated me in front of the whole school, saying that my power is useless. Which you would've known had you been there like a friend should." She turned away.

Penny reached out and grabbed Geneva's arm. "Emma did what? Where is she?"

"Probably asleep." Geneva pulled her arm away from Penny.

"Where's her dorm?" Penny scanned the hall. No one messed with her friends.

Geneva sighed. "Look, it's not a big deal. Forget about it. Go back to sleep."

Penny shook her head. "No. Look, I'm really sorry. I should've been there. You're right. But I can't-"

"But you can't tell me. I know," Geneva said sarcastically.

Penny made a split second decision, hoping she wouldn't regret it. "We're the Fabulosa."

"What?" Geneva hissed.

"We weren't supposed to tell anyone, because then the Malum could find out, but everyone basically already knows that someone at this school is the Fabulosa because of Alex's history teacher--" Penny was rambling and she knew it.

Geneva nodded thoughtfully. "Someone did mention that at lunch yesterday..."

"And you can't tell anyone, I mean anyone, about this," Penny said frantically. "Seriously."

"Okay, I won't. I swear." Geneva spit on her hand and held it out.

Penny looked at it. "Um, a verbal promise is enough."

Geneva shrugged and wiped her hand on her pants.

"Now, which dorm is Emma's?" Penny asked.

"Well, you know, maybe you could look at the name plates by each door?" Geneva suggested sarcastically.

"Oh." Penny face-palmed before walking over and looking at the list by each door. "No, no... here it is! She doesn't have a roommate."

Geneva hesitated. "Well, she did..."

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