{02}The Fool

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Jace's POV

July 10, 2016 (Isabela's Birthday)

Today is officially Bela's birthday meaning it has been two days since I forgot my best friend's birthday. I haven't talked to her since, well she hasn't talked to me. Every time I call her phone I either get her voicemail or her mom picks up making some sort of excuse. I just don't know what to do. Yes I forgot her birthday, but I don't see why she's blowing this out of proportion. Things like this don't happen to Riele and I; we've been best friends since the day we met on Henry Danger three years ago. This situation is so surreal, what am I supposed to do?

"Well little buddy, you missed your best friends birthday for your girlfriends pre-birthday...what do you think you should do to make it up to Riele?" I turned my head to the right slightly confused because I didn't hear Xander sit down.

"Xander, what do you want?" I asked annoyed. I'm trying to save my friendship and relationship all at the same time. And, his questions are doing nothing but confusing me more.

"I'm just trying to help you out bro," he sighs placing his feet up on the coffee table "Look little brother...what you did is completely messed up. You've known Riele for almost three years and she has been the best friend you could ever ask for. Then enters Isabela, you've known her maybe a year and of that year you guys have spent about four months in a relationship."

"Right, I don't get it...what's your point?" I questioned.

"Jace, for someone so smart you can be a complete idiot. Especially, when it comes to women. Okay look, think of it this way. Imagine the roles being reversed. It is your birthday and you're so excited because your family is throwing you a huge party. All your friends are there, you wore the cutest outfit and the music is perfect. However, as your looking around and getting birthday wishes left and right. You notice that the one person you wanted to be there the most decided not to show up. Even after they promised you, so your mood dampens and you feel the tears coming along. You sneak out of the hotel, just to find out your best friend skipped out on your party to be with their significant other on YOUR birthday. Then they finally call, but not to give you the best wishes. They call you to ask you to wish a happy birthday to their GIRLFRIEND!..Imagine that Riele asked you to wish a happy birthday to her boyfriend on your birthday..."

I begin to see it, to see why Riele is so hurt about this. It's not just that I forgot her birthday. It's even that I was with Isabela. She's hurt because she feels like I forgot about her. Like I'm choosing Bela over her. I'm not, I'm really not. It's just that Bela wants so much of my time. And, she feels like girls and guys can't just be friends especially when they're as close as Riele and I.

"Xander, what am I supposed to do?..what's the right thing to do?" I turned to look at Xander "I don't know...if I miss Isabela's grand party she's going to be pissed, but if I don't talk to Riele now she's going to think that I don't care...how am I supposed to please them both?"

"Simple, take Riele to Isabela's party...it starts at 8 o'clock right?" I nodded my head "Call Riele and ask her if she will be willing to talk to you. Pick her up at seven o'clock exactly, then arrive at the party at 8:30...simple." he explained

I jumped off the couch heading up the stairs in order to get to my room. I paused after a couple of steps, "Thanks Xander you helped me alot...if t wasn't for you I would have never realized how much I made Riele feel forgotten..." 

I continued up the stairs, "What?..that's what you got from this!" I stopped walking out of confusion "Jace, you are officially just plain stupid..."

"What, I'm confused."

"Forget it bro, figure this one out yourself." he said shaking his as he walked into the kitchen "(mumbles) when will he see...Jaele...endgame..."

I scrunched my face in confusion as I headed up to my room.

Who or what is Jaele?


Thanks for reading Chapter 2 guys!! Comment below please. And, sorry this chapter was kind of boring. I just needed Jace to figure out his solution to this mess.

Thanks for reading, 


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