{12} Isabella's Confession-Part One

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Riele's POV

I watched Jace for what felt like hours. He just sat there, completely still; thinking about my confession. My confession, I never thought I would ever tell anyone this, let alone Jace. The worse part is that, he is literally just sitting there like he's daydreaming. As the seconds go by I start to feel more and more anxious waiting for his response. Will he just hurry up and say something, anything!

"Well-" His voice brought me out of my internal rant "Of course I love, she's my best friend. She has been my best friend since the day we met on the set of Henry Danger. I couldn't imagine life without her."

The therapist signed, "Yes, I understand that Jace. Riele understands it and all your fans understand it. She is and always has been your best friend. She is the only girl you keep around; the only girl you have not left."

Jace sat up in his chair, "Right because she is my best friend. I could never lose her. You can't lose a best friend unlike a girlfriend. Romantic relationships never workout in our generation; in our circle. But, Friendships are the only relationships that last a lifetime."

I start laughing because there is only so much stupidity that I can take before I completely lose my mind. "Jace, you have no idea how close I am to throwing away this 'friendship'. We are not friends Jace! When are you going to open your eyes and realize that you don't treat me like a best friend. You treat me like a girlfriend!" Tears started to fall from my eyes "You don't hold hands with your friends, you don't call them every night to say 'I love you', you don't have 'playdates' with them, you don't attend family dinners twice a week and surely don't kiss them! Open your eyes!..If you don't than prepare to say goodbye to me and this 'friendship'..."

The room was quiet for a while as they both processed everything I just said. "Riele, thank you for sharing your true feelings about the situation. Although, there was one thing I noticed. You sound so sure about this...about Jace's feelings towards you. What moment did you finally realize that Jace felt the same way about you."

"It was a few weeks after my fight with Isabella. This was the fight we had after my accident."


It has been about a month since my accident and my doctor still has not medically cleared me. So, while Jace is filming for Henry Danger, I am stuck at home out of my mind bored. My sister is filming for Degrassi and Aisha is with her. So, to prevent myself from going crazy I decided to go to the mall and do some much needed shopping.

I arrived at the mall and decided to go to Footlocker first. It is literally one of my favorite stores in the entire world. Or at least I think it is. I walked around the store, until I found the perfect pair of tennis shoes. 

I found an employee and asked him for the shoe in a size 7, "No problem ma'am just sit on that bench over there next to that young lady."

I walked over to the bench and sat down. I pulled out my phone and looked through my instagram.

"You have got to be kidding me." I heard the girl next to me say "Who did I piss off to make this happen."

I turned my heard to see none other than Isabella, "Oh great, it's nice to see you too princess." I rolled my eyes for extra affect.

"Why are you here to steal my shoes like you stole my boyfriend." she asked sarcastically.

I sighed, "Why do you keep saying I stole him from you? I didn't, we were dating for a while. You guys broke up years ago!"

She started laughing, "Oh honey, you are so delusional. That bump on your head caused you jumble your fantasies with reality. So, tell me when do you think we broke up?"

"Over a year ago, when you guys were filming Splitting Adam. You broke up soon after." I told her.

She stared at me laughing, "You're in for quite the treat. I'm done here, but meet me at the food court in exactly twenty minutes. Don't be late crazy pants!" After that she left as I sat there waiting for my shoes.

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