{04} Dinner: Part One

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Riele POV
Jace pulled up to a beach. I was surprised because who goes to the beach at 7 o'clock at night? I turned to Jace as he parked in front of a house.

"Jace, why are we here?" I asked slightly frustrated.

He ignored my question as he exited the drivers side, slammed his door and 'gracefully' slid across the hood of the car. I couldn't help but laugh at his silly antics. I was laughing so much I didn't notice him open my door.

"Rie Rie!! Come on!" He whined poking out his lip and extending his hand out. He can be so adorable sometimes.

I smiled at his sweet gesture and grabbed his hand letting him help me out of the car. "And to answer your question. This is my beach house I bought it last year because I needed somewhere private to relax and get away from the outside world."

I nodded in understanding. It can be pretty rough sometimes being a famous kid. I decided to turn my attention back to the house. It was beautiful.

I continued to stare it the house, but one question would not stop bugging me

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I continued to stare it the house, but one question would not stop bugging me. "Dude, how much money do you make?"

Jace laughed running his hand through his hair, "A decent amount, but lets not worry about that. By the way I need you put this on."

He handed me a blindfold causing me to laugh uncontrollably. "You're kidding right?"

"Just put it on!"

"Okay okay jeez, why so grumpy?" I teased putting the blindfold on over my eyes. I was secretly really excited.

I heard Jace step in front of me, "do you trust me?"

I thought about it, of course I do! "Hmmm, I don't know." I teased tapping my temple.

"What? Really?" Jace asked flustered causing me to laugh. "That's not funny babe."

I paused for a second. Did he just call me babe? Before I could even think about questioning this boy I felt myself being flung over his shoulder. "JACE!! I'm wearing a dress!"

"Riele, calm down!" he laughed "It's not like I won't ever see it."

"Boy, what you talking about? Slow your road young munk because this queen right here is not your loose girlfriend. #nooffensebela!" Yes I say hashtags, don't judge me.

Jace didn't reply, until he gently slid me down his shoulder and onto the ground. I pulled the blindfold off of my eyes and stared at Jace. "Jace, why did you basically tell me-"

He interrupted me by forcing me to turn around and look at this beautiful set. It looked more like a date between two lovers who have been together for years, than two friends hanging out to discuss their problems with each other. Either way I still appreciated it. It was so beautiful.

"JACE! Thank you so much! I love it!" I squealed jumping into his arms causing him to automatically wrap his arms around me in a sweet gesture

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"JACE! Thank you so much! I love it!" I squealed jumping into his arms causing him to automatically wrap his arms around me in a sweet gesture. That dumb, jerk can be such a sweetheart sometimes!

"Come on lets go enjoy ourselves Queen Rie Rie." he whispered in my ear making me blush. He gently put me down and grabbed my hand leading me to the table.

"Alright lets go my loyal peasant! Your Queen wants your undivided attention." I smirked.

"Peasant?" he asked pulling my chair out for me "I should at least be the King!"

I laughed as I watched Jace sit down across from me. "Boy please, you have a long way to go before you can be this Queen's King."

Thanks for reading guys sorry it took so long! But, please like and comment. And, who knows maybe if I get a lot of great comments I may be inspired to write the chapter quickly.

Thank you,


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