Chapter 5

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*Sammy point of view***

Oh god here I am sitting in a private booth with Jc he is just so cute and my nerves were getting to me what do I say, thoughts were going through my head what if I say something stupid and he thinks I'm weird and never talks to me again! GOD DAM JC WHY YOU HAVE TO BE SO ATTRACTIVE!

"So you find me attractive?", he said winking .Oh my god did I really just said all of that out loud. great job stupid. My face started to burn up like crazy I knew I was blushing really hard I try to talk but I kind of stumble over my own words.

" umm w-ell I-I ",I was cut off .

"It's fine I know what happened , once your talking to yourself in your head not realizing your saying it out loud it happens.", He knew exactly what I was going to explain. After a while where all the awkwardness past I really got to know Jc he is a really funny,chill,awesome,and especially cute guy and at the same time Ana kind of loosen up and hit it off well with Connor they were so cute joking around play fighting like they were already a couple. After the tour we went home and fell quickly to sleep.

***two weeks later***

"Jc no I'm-AHHHH" he tickled me til we were both tired and out of air. We were hanging out in his room when all of a sudden he pins my arms down and is on top of me.

"Justin Cloud Caylen! I demand you unpin me right now are your hair will disappear!" I laughed a bit after I said that.

" Oh no not my hair", he said trying to act scared when all of a sudden I feel his lips smashing onto mine . At first I was shock but then I give in and started to kiss him back things started to heat up and I roll on top moving my hands under his shirt lifting it a bit to reveal his abs. when Jc pulls away taking me off and whispers to my ear "Act natural", when I turn to see Ricky ,Connor ,Kian ,and Ana staring at us with their eyes wide open.

"Sooooo",I said breaking the silence

"I see you guys were having fun there weren't you", Ricky let out as he winked at me making me blush like never before I hid under the sheets waiting for them to walk out .When they did I stood up to close the door.

***Jc's point of view**

After our little tickle fight I pinned her down and went on top I gave her a little smirk looking into her beautiful eyes. After the weeks Sammy and I grew closer together and we sort of started acting like a couple I can just imagine her being mi-. My thought was interrupted when she said "Justin Cloud Caylen! I demand you unpin me right now are your hair will disappear!" she said with a little laugh to finish off. I responded like I was scared but not really "Oh no not my hair",I couldn't resist myself and I clash our mouths together as I  begin to kiss her, she was stiff at first but then started to loosen up and give in our lips moved perfectly together ,when she rolls over to get on top of me it was getting hot she was pining me down when her hands started drifting under my shirt lifting it a bit. When I opened my eyes I saw wide eyed faces in the door was I quickly push back and lift Sammy to my side after that it all got awkward as soon as they left we went to the living room to "talk".

****Sammy point of view***

We were sitting side by side when Jc brings up "umm Sam I need to tell you something", he said while scratching the back of his neck, I nodded so he can continue. "Well I like you and I wanted to know if you wanted",he takes a pause.

"Wanted what?",I said even tho I knew what he was going to ask me but butterflies started blooming in my stomach my feeling were releasing , I like Jc a lot he is just so perfect. I looked deeply in his soft brown eyes nervous when he releases the words I was waiting for it to come out of his mouth "Would you be me girlfriend?", I went in kissing him that kiss was perfect I felt sparks everywhere it was amazing ,our lips moved perfectly in place like we have been doing this for years we stopped kissing til we ran out of breath . " So I guess that's a yes" turned winking at me, I nodded my head and kissed him once again.

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