#1 Losing All Hope

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Past *6 months ago* (Cassie’s POV)

My family and I were all in our car on our way to another packs territory where the alphas of many packs along with their families will be attending a meeting about the danger and increasing reports or rogues and attacks. Unfortunately the drive was horrible, me and my sister were arguing.

“Girls, stop arguing, you dads trying to drive here but with you two screaming like a couple of banshees he can’t concentrate on the road” My mum tried to yell over the top of me and my sister arguing.

“She started it” My sister Lillie whined

“Wow Lillie you’re going to play the blame game?” I whisper yelled at her.

“It’s the truth she did start it”

“No I didn’t”

“Yes you did”





“GIRLS!!!!!” This time it was my dad that shouted and trust me he’s scary when he shouts, in fact he’s scary just by glaring at you, which he was doing right now through the rear view mirror. Me and Lillie cowered against the back or the car seat, hearing the alpha tone in his voice. Oh yeah did I mention my dads the alpha a pack of werewolves? Well you do now and yes we are all werewolves. Don’t get me wrong he is a great dad but you never want to get on his bad side or even get him angry for that matter. Our pack’s called Silverbow Pack. Our alpha and my father is Paul Silverbow. Yes our pack name is the last name of the alpha and his family. My mother is Melissa Silverbow and the alpha female of our pack. As the alpha and alpha female of a pack it is my parent’s duties to control, command, teach, help, support, love and care for their pack. My parents are good at this because my father is strong willed but respectful to others and only ever commands or treats pack members rudely in dire need. As for my mother it is her duty to care for the pack, show compassion and teach them many things.

“You’re mother has told you to stop arguing and you will listen to her, you are distressing your mother and making it difficult to drive. You know I hate shouting at my little girls but you leave me no choice when you disrespect your mother and I as you just have” My father scolded. He watched us through the rear view mirror as he said his little speech.

“But dad sh-“ Lillie started

“ENOUGH LILLIE, I don’t want to hear another word abou-“

Dad was cut off by the sound of a car horn going off extremely close to us, and as we all turned our gazes to the windscreen we all realised what was happening at one. While my dad was ranting to Lillie our car had swerved onto the other side of the road where an oncoming car was headed towards us. My mother and sister started to scream and started to panic. I was still in shock and felt numb that I couldn’t move my body. Suddenly our car jolted to the left as he tried to swerve away from the obvious oncoming collision. But the back of our car was clipped sending us spinning and out of control.

“GIRLS GET DOWN!!!!!!” My father bellowed. Lillie managed to do that and lie down as close to the floor as she could get but I still couldn’t move, my eyes were wide, all colour had drained from my face and my thoughts were in a whirl wind of their own bouncing around in my head, leaving nothing but the faint echoes of a headache forming and the only coherent thought that made it’s way to my attention was NO!.  My wolf was also screaming for me to get down but I couldn’t move so she tried to take over but I wouldn’t allow her, I couldn’t, it felt physically impossible. The mental argument between me and my wolf was still going on until there was another load crash and the hideous sound of mental scratching. I managed to move my eyes to my window and see that we had hit another car side on which sent us flying through the air and rolling across the road, leaving pieces of the car as our trail.

I looked towards my parent and saw that my dad had half dived across his seat to become the barrier between my mother and the windscreen I also looked at my sister and saw the tears streaming down her face and hair flying everywhere, I abruptly felt the need to protect my sister so I crouched my torso down and to side so that I was protecting her head and the top or her torso. I winced as I felt scrapes of glass rip through my thin t-shirt and tear at my skin. The roof of the car was in pieces as it bounced from the road and into the air, leaving shards or metal astray.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” I screamed as I felt something cold and sharp stab into my lower back deep enough to almost come through the other side of my body. The roof had caved in completed showing that the roof was now attached to the inside of me. My wolf howled at the pain searing through us and I whimpered as the car rolled one more time causing the roof to dig deeper into my back but also stop from moving.

Everything went silent and I was fighting the dark sheets of unconsciousness but was failing miserably as the blood escaped my body, I felt the warm liquid gliding down my side to the car floor leaving a pool in its wake. The last thing I remember before blacking out was whispering:



Hey guys

okay so this is my first story i've written on here and i honestly don't really have a clue what im doing lol so any suggestions on how to make mystory better would help.  Ho-pe you like the story so far and im sorry i know its really short but this is just the beginning ;)

so please 





love skye_95 <3

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