#11 Leather Slashes

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“WAKE UP!!!” a loud voice shouted in my ear. I jumped and screamed loudly as the voice had woken me up. I felt a bit confused at first thinking that I should be in my bed but then the memories of everything that has happened in the past few days came rushing back.

I looked around myself trying to figure out where I was and to my dismay I noticed that I was still in that horrible plain room still handcuffed to the pole behind me. How the hell did I manage to sleep with my hands cuffed behind my back? Well, however I managed that I was definitely paying for it now as my arms felt so stiff from being bent back the whole night. I think it was night; there were no windows in the room so I couldn’t tell if it was light or dark.

I felt a sharp pain start from my shoulder and work it’s way down my arm, I looked up only to find that psycho stranger guy crouched down beside me, pushing his hand into my injured shoulder. I tried to shuffle away from him as best as I could, considering I was lying on my side and arms bent back because the handcuffs around the pole.

“Oh good, you’re awake” the stranger stated and stood up to walk away from me and towards the guards that were on either side of the door inside the room. The guard from yesterday (the one that was still alive) wasn’t here today, these were two new guards and to be honest they looked a lot scarier. They were both standing with their feet spread apart as in a relaxed stance, ready to attack if they needed to. They both had their arms crossed and were staring at me, I felt very small compared to these guys and they were huge. They were both about 6 feet tall, the one of the left seemed to be a few inches taller though and they were both very well built, muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere and as I took in their muscles I gulped audibly. I knew I was fast but I don’t think that would matter when it came to a fight with these guys, I might as well just jump off a bridge it would probably be less painful than having these two beasts pummel me into dust. The guard on the left had short blonde hair, tanned skin and brown eyes he also had a bit of stubble on his cheek which gave him that edgy look. The guard on the right had short dark brown hair and also had tanned skin however his eyes were a dark shade of blue. I have to admit these guys scared me.

After my evaluation of the guards I slid my eyes back over to the psycho stranger who was staring at me. Hmm I really should find out his name because I don’t think he’ll appreciate me calling him psycho stranger, I thought snidely.

“Cassie, you are quite a beauty” he said while continuing to stare at me. I felt sick to my core. After what he pulled yesterday I couldn’t even stand to look t him let alone listen to him call me beautiful. He was vile. I turned my head away and looked at the wall.

“Look at me when I am talking to you!” he grabbed my chin and pulled my face to the front so that I was looking at him. Wow, vicious much?

I glared at him as he let go of my chin and moved to stand backwards.

“You’re glaring, isn’t going to help you sweetheart” he said in a sickly sweet voice. I ignored him though and carried on glaring at him. He huffed in response and began circling me; he walked very slowly which made me very nervous.

“Now, you better tell us where Kimmy is otherwise what happens next won’t be very pretty” he threatened from behind me.

“Why do you want her so much?” I questioned back, trying to buy sometimes to think. He fastened his walk until he was in front of me, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he was trying to figure out what my motive was, he then smirked before answering.

“That’s none of your business sweetheart” he answered wickedly all the while keeping that smirk on his face. He then ran his hand through my hair that was sprawled out all over my shoulder in a tangled mess. I pulled my head away as fast as I could.

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