#8 Story telling

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I entered the waterfall paradise with Kimmy following right behind me. While we were walking to this place she had literally latched herself on to my side. She seemed so scared that it broke my heart; I had to stop myself from whining a number of times. Even though she was scared I felt a little happy that she trusted me enough to stay by my side and allow me to take her to a place she has never been before. I felt like I was needed and wanted, even if it was to protect this innocent little girl.

Once Kimmy was through the almost undetectable entry way, I shifted back to my human form. I took one look at Kimmy and realised that she wouldn't have any clothes with her since she had most likely shifted and teared her clothes to shreds. So I walked over to the cave where my bag was situated and rummaged through it until I found some clothes for Kimmy. The best I could do was give her a pair of shorts that were quite small for me. Thinking of that I wasn't sure why I had packed them anyway. I must of grabbed them in the heap of clothes that I put in my bag and since I was crying at the time everything was a bit blurred. I then got a little tank top that would also be a bit big for her along with a cardigan to keep her warm. I also pit some clothes on for myself and it was quite warm today so I put some black shorts on with a black tank top and obviously black trainers.

I trudged out towards Kimmy who was still in wolf form and still gaping at the waterfall paradise. I chuckled slightly at her, which seemed to have caught her attention as she tensed up and stared at me. After recognising me she relaxed and trotted over to me. Now that I was in human form she seemed even smaller. Her head only just reaching above my knee, she was absolutely tiny.

"Here are some clothes for you, they'll be a bit big but they'll keep you warm". I smiled encouragingly at her while placing the clothes just in front over her. I then walked off to the waterfall and sat down with my back to Kimmy giving her some privacy to shift and change.

I felt the familiar ripple of air pass me and then heard the shuffling of clothes telling me that Kimmy was putting the clothes on. I corners of my mouth twitched as I once again felt happy that she trusted me and took the clothes. She could have refused them and just stayed in wolf form, she may have felt safer in that way, heck she could have even refused to come with me but she didn't which made my heart swell even more.

"Thank you, Cassie". Kimmy murmured from beside me, I hadn't even realised that she was dressed and standing beside me which had made me jump and Kimmy saw then so apologised but I dismissed it. She then sat down next to me putting her feet into the water. And swirling them about making ripples flow through the waters surface. It was quite mesmerising watching it but I soon shook myself out of it when I noticed Kimmy wince from moving a little bit.

"How's your rib? Is it still hurting?" I asked her while looking at her face for ay distress or pain. She shook her head but accidently moved her torso to the side which made a pain filled expression cross her face. I raised my eyebrows at her which showed I didn't believe a word she said.

"They hurt a little bit" She caved before looking down as if ashamed of admitting it. I stood up abruptly and crossed the little stream to the cave where my bag had some first aid kits in. I checked to make sure that there were some bandages, which there were. So I walked back to Kimmy, she gave me a questioning look so I showed her the first aid kit I had in my hand her expression changed to a shocked one.

"We need to make sure your rib is ok and I know I'm not a doctor or a professional but I know that you have to put a bandage round your torso to support it. Do you mind lifting your top for me?" I said to her. Bit she didn't respond to me for a while and I didn't want to scare her so I just waited and waited but she wouldn't say anything; she just seemed to be staring at me. I cleared my throat to try and get her attention which worked. I was about to repeat my question when she suddenly spoke up.

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