#10 Sacrifice

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Immense pain spread through my body as I collided with so much force into the first rogue wolf. He obviously wasn’t expecting me to crash with him so hard that he didn’t brace himself which meant we were flying through the air with him underneath my paws. We landed hard on the ground and I was thrown off of the wolfs body which made me roll a few meters away.

I stood as quickly as I could and lunged for the next wolf in sight. Everything still seemed red but the wolf I was attacking had sand coloured fur and had quite a big build. I knew that he would be able to crush me if he had the right leverage however no matter what he tried I was quick to react and managed to stay clear from him sharp bared teeth.

The first wolf I collided with was large and black. Well I thought he had black fur, he had so much dirt covering him that even my keen eyesight was having trouble deciphering what colour his fur was.

I felt a sharp stab of pain in my tail and turned around swiftly to attack the cause of my pain. It was one of the other wolves and once it had my attention he let go of my tail and lunged for my throat. The force of his lunge caused us both to topple down to the ground and roll and the forest floor sloped down a bit. I was lying on my back with the wolf on top of me trying to latch his teeth to my neck but I kept using my hind legs to make him stumble or fall off of me. It worked because before I knew it I was up and running again. I didn’t get far when I saw two wolves in the distance running towards me. Ah, damn thy have more back up. Did they really need seven wolves to take me down?

In my peripheral vision I saw a wolf running on my left so I made a sharp turn and rammed into his side which both surprised and knocked the breath out of him. He was fast though and managed to swipe his paw across my side, the wound wasn’t deep but it hurt like hell. I felt another wave of anger flow through me which I used as motivation to kill this son of a b****. I growled at him and lunged at his throat which I had easy access to from where I was. Within seconds I was tossing his dead carcass away from me, his blood had stained my white muzzle.

I looked up from the dead wolf just in time to see a wolf jump on to my back, as I collapsed to the ground I felt a searing pain encase my right shoulder. I howled in pain and struggled underneath the wolf that had a trapped me. My muscles were aching from exhaustion from both running with Kimmy and fighting these ruthless rogues.

The wolfs teeth were still latched onto my shoulder and the pain was horrible however it somehow managed to get worse as the weight of the wolf and pressure of teeth on my shoulder had increased immensely. The wolf on top of me pressed harder into my shoulder and I howled in pain once again as I’m sure I felt his teeth scratch my bone.

I began to see black spots in my vision and I felt dizzy although I wasn’t sure whether that was because of the pain, loss of blood or lack of air as I was being crushed.  I managed to turn my head to the side and noticed that there was more that one wolf on top of me, there must have been at least four all piled on me. My lungs were wheezing and I struggled to get just a small amount of air into them. My eyes were also drooping now and if felt like I was being swallowed by darkness, the red that I saw was gone and everything looked blurred.

I was staring towards the trees just ahead of me, waiting for the darkness to enclose me when a dark shape loomed over me and moved closer to my face.

The dark shape was so close to me that I could see it was a wolf. Its eyes were cold and dead, they seemed to hold no emotion or any happy emotion because you could see the cruelty swirling in his molten brown orbs. There seemed to be a flicker of laughter or mocking in his eyes as he took me in.

I couldn’t fight it any more, my body was straining to stay alive and it new the best way to do that was to let me slip into unconsciousness. The last thing I remember before going into the blackness was a growl from the wolf beside me.

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