#7 Kimmy

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I woke up the next day to the same chirping sound of the birds. However this time I knew where I was and I didn’t fall out of a tree, or in this case out a cave. This, thankfully, didn’t make my morning a complete disaster.

I looked at my watch and it told me it was only 5:24 in the morning but it were quite light outside. I’ve never really been an early riser; I preferred a nice lay in especially Saturdays and Sundays. I remember when my parents were still alive, I would have a lay in every Saturday and if I wasn’t out of bed by midday my dad would come up to my room and drag the covers off of me. I was usually awake by this point but would just refuse to get out of bed so instead my dad would just start tickling me and he wouldn’t stop until I had tears running down my face or was on the verge of peeing my pants. He would then run off to my mom for protection because once I recovered from laughing so hard my stomach hurt I would chase him and try to get him back. I repeat the word try because he wasn’t ticklish at all so it usually went down to play fighting but my dad would always win since he would just hold my wrists in one hand and start tickling me again until I surrendered. I used to call my mom for help but she would just watch and laugh at us while saying “I’m not getting involved”. Even when my dad asked for her to help him tickle me she would say the same thing so in the end neither one of us could get her to help us. I love both my parents very much, but I was always a daddy’s girl. When ever he wasn’t busy sorting out pack business we would go for a run in the woods and just relax. That was our thing. As alpha of a huge pack he was always stressed and the little runs we went on were his stress reliever and it always made me feel happy that he’d share that with me. I remember when dad was really stressed out he would run as fast as he could and just kept going, it was like the faster he ran the less stressed he was and since he was an alpha his wolf was huge. In wolf form he stood at about 5’8 ft, in human form my dad was about 6 ft with a fair amount of muscle. He looked very intimidating not just for wolves but for humans as well. His wolf had ebony black fur all over and then from the nap of his neck all the way to the tip of his tale he had a grey almost silver streak. When we shift into our wolves everything seems to change except out eye colour, that is the same whether in human or wolf form. There are a few times when our eye colour change one of those times is when we are angry. When a werewolf is angry their eyes tend to intensify in colour, it looks as though our eyes are lighting up, so if a wolf had brown eyes and was angry their eyes would change to maroon kind of colour but it looks like there is a tint of red which seems to glow and makes them a wholes lot scarier. My dad has brown eyes which makes him very scary when he’s angry.

But I knew my dad well, he never really got angry at me and Lillie and he wouldn’t even dare getting angry at my mom. My mom was quite comical when she was angry at my dad. She wouldn’t go round screaming and shouting at him like most people do when they are angry, no, my mom would just ignore him. It was so simple that you wouldn’t think it would work. She wouldn’t talk to him, or look at him or even acknowledge him. My parents were mates so they would always have that bond and contact with each other. So in the end my dad couldn’t take the lack of contact and would get on his knees and beg my mum to forgive him for whatever he had done. He wouldn’t have to beg long since although my mom did a good job of not showing how much she missed the contact with him, she needed him and would forgive him after a few minutes of him begging. Lillie and I always found it quite entertaining as a great alpha wolf like my dad could be brought to his knees by his mate.

My mom was quite the opposite of my dad; she was gentle, loving and caring. No that my dad wasn’t loving or caring but it’s just that my mom was like the mother of the whole pack, not just me and Lillie. She adored every single wolf in our pack whether they were just babies or the elders and they all loved her back. Her caring nature was admired by all, even members of wolves on other packs noticed how caring and gentle she was. You would think that her caring and giving nature would be taken advantage of but she still managed to be stern with the pack and of course she had to obeyed by the pack since she was the alpha female. Even if anyone tried to hurt my mom in any way, shape or form, they would be dealt with by my dad, he was very protective. My mother’s appearance suited her personality too. She had long naturally blonde hair that came to her waist. She had big light green eyes and her skin was slightly tanned. She was quite small and petite, only reaching about 5’3 ft. I couldn’t really say much about her height since I am the exact same height. I got my small frame and skin tone colour from her. The rest like my hair colour and smile I got from my dad. Lillie looks more like our mom; she has the same facial features, hair colour and eye colour. However she was a lot taller than me and my mom, she stood at about 5’7 ft, which must have been from our dad. She also has tanned skin like our father too. So both Lillie and I inherited something form both our parents. It’s just a shame when I look in the mirror as it is just another painful reminder of my parent’s death.

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