#6 Waterfall

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­Chirp, chirp, chirp.

I stirred from slumber after hearing a chirping sound close by. What is that noise? My alarm doesn’t make that noise and why is it so bright in my room. Did I forget to close the curtains last night? Huh, I must of since it’s so bright in here. I could still hear the chirping sound so after assuming it was my alarm clock I reached my hand out to shut the damn thing up bit my hand hit something hard and rough. My eyes flew open knowing that that was not what alarm clock felt like. My was still a bit groggy from my sleep but as my eyesight got used to the light and everything I notices I was surrounded by leaves and treed. In fact I was in a tree. What the- My thoughts were cut off when I panicked and leapt to the side after seeing how high I was off the ground. Next thing I know I’m looking up towards the sky with air whooshing past me, my hair flying up and all over the place round my face. I soon realised that I was getting further away from the sky and leaves above which only meant one thing. I was falling. This made a whole new feeling of dread take place in my stomach. It felt like I was falling forever, it was like there was no ground, no landing for me that I would just keep falling. Once my brain had gained control I began to scream. But that lasted about 2 seconds as I felt my back hit the ground which knocked all of the air out of my lungs. It felt like I had landed on a root sticking out of the ground. A pain spread through my body like wild fire. Starting from my spine going right down to the tips of toes. However I couldn’t concentrate on the pain as I couldn’t breathe. I was panting for breath but nothing would get into my lungs, it was like there was no oxygen to breathe in. As well as having the air knocked out of me from the fall I felt like my spine was broken, I was bent over the root in an awkward position and I couldn’t move, it was too painful to move at first. By this point I was gasping for air which thankfully was filling my lungs. This calmed down a little and helped me bear the pain.

After a few more minutes of trying to control my breathing I decided to move into a more comfortable position. Since I was in such a weird position I thought I might as well push myself towards the side where my upper torso was, it would be easier since I could use both my arms and legs to push the rest of my body over the root.

I groaned when my back scraped across the rough bark, but didn’t make any other sound as I didn’t know if there were any other wolves or rogues around. I managed to get the rest of my body over the root and managed to sit up. It hurt at first but after a while the pain went away as if nothing had happened, thank god for werewolf healing, however I knew I would have a huge bruise there that would make lying on my back or putting any pressure on it impossible for at least today. Thankfully, though, the cuts from yesterday’s incident with Scarlett in the bathroom on my back had healed completely over the night meaning that I wouldn’t be bleeding everywhere today.

Ugh, what a great start to the day. Nothing like falling from a tree first thing in the morning to wake you up. Note the sarcasm. I really wasn’t a morning person and the start to this day just made me feel even worse physically and emotionally because once again the pain in my chest, which I had forgotten about during the fall, was back to the front of my mind and had my absolute attention. I wonder if my old pack had found my note. Sometimes they would ignore me for days on end and so it wouldn’t surprise me if they did especially after I embarrassed both Scarlett and my sister in front of the whole school. I tried to hold back the grin that threatened to reveal itself on my lips just thinking about the look on Scarlett’s face: shock, embarrassment, I think she even blushed at the humiliation for a second before her rage got the better of her. I shook my head trying to erase the next images that would appear about what my pack did to me and what they said.

To distract myself I decided to climbed back up the tree to retrieve my bag so that I could get going again. It took a little effort to get back up the tree since I still was a little sore on my back but the pain was bearable. Once I got to where my bag was I packed my sleeping bag back into my back pack and climbed back down the tree. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 7: 50 in the morning. Well at least I’ll get a good start today.

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