He puts you on time-out

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Liam: It had been a long day at the studio. Liam came home and was very tired and mentally drained. You on the other hand, were jumping around and dancing having the time of your life. Liam had specifically told you not to run or jump because you would either hurt yourself or break something. You ran into the coffee table and knocked a glass that Liam had there. It fell and broke. You stopped when Liam came in. He tried to keep his cool. "What happened!" "It breakded" You whispered. He turned around and sighed. "I told you no running or jumping and what did you do?" "Run and jumpded" "Exactly, now look what you've done. You're going to sit in the naughty corner." You cried. He picked you up and sat you in the corner not so nicely. He walked into the kitchen leaving you there. You stopped crying when he came back in. "No more or you're in real real trouble got me?" You nodded. "I sowie" he nodded. "Go to your room and play until dinner is done" He said giving you a hug. You learned quickly to listen.

Louis: You were sitting backstage just hanging out when you saw Louis' glasses. You loved playing with them even though he said no. You put them on and were walking around acting gownup. You ran into a chair and the glasses fell off, causing them to fall off. You screamed. Louis came running towards you. He saw what happened and got very angry. He didn't say a word, but took you by your arm, spanked you, and put you in the nearest corner. You cried and cried, but Louis wouldn't listen. A little bit later he came back over looking at you. "What did you do?" "I wore you glasses" "And they are..." "No no" "Right. I'm sorry I had to do that but you have to listen bug" You nodded. "Sowie" "Come here" You walked into his arms and he hugged you assuring you that it was now alright.

Niall: You were at Zayn's house just hanging out with the boys. You were walking around his house and found his comb. You knew Niall had one but you couldn't reach it. You took his comb and played with it. You accidentally dropped it and broke it on the carpet in the hallway. You quickly ran from it. "Niall!" Zayn yelled as he went to bathroom. Niall got up and went down. He came back in looking mad. He bent down looking at you. "Did you break Uncle Zayn's comb?" You shook your head. "(Y/n) Horan, you tell me the truth right now!" He yelled. You nodded your head. He picked you up and put you on a chair. "You're in time out. Don't move." You nodded knowing he was serious. He came back. "You will go apologize to Uncle Zayn for playing what was not yours. I'm very disappointed you lied to me princess" You nodded "I'm sowie NiNi" "it's alright. Now go" You got off the chair and walked to find Zayn and apologize.

Harry: You laying in Harry's room waiting for him to finish in the shower. You were getting bored, so you went to look for things. He locked his door so you couldn't get out. You found a bottle full of liquid and decided to investigate. It was his favorite cologne. You had slippery hands and it dropped and broke. Harry finished in the shower and walked out. You were hiding knowing what was going to happen. He walked out and saw it and looked for you. He found you and took you out and spanked you. You started crying and he took you into your room. "You stay here. You're in time out." You cried and stayed. He came back into you sobbing. He bent down and wiped the tears away. "Kitten, you know I hate doing that, but I have told you so many many times not to touch it." You nodded. He opened his arms, and you walked into them and hugged him. He hugged you back until you stopped.

Zayn: Perrie was over and you had been napping. After you woke up, you went and found her purse. She usually asked you to get her things out of her purse since you liked helping. You were looking through it and found a necklace. You loved jewlry so you put it on. It got stuck on your head and it broke. You collected the pieces as Zayn walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked bending down. You looked up but then back down knowing you had been caught. "Did you break Perries necklace?" He asked more sternly. You nodded tearing up. He picked you up and put you facing the wall in the corner. He walked back and talked to Perrie. You cried not liking your brother mad. He came about five minutes later and picked you up. "That was very bad. You ask before you go in someone's purse. Okay?" You nodded. He walked you to Perrie. "What do you say?" "I sowie" You whispered. She nodded holding her hands out. You went into them and she held you. "It's alright honey, just ask next time yeah?" You nodded spending the rest of the day cuddled in their arms.

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