Your jealous of his girlfriend/fans

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Liam (Age 6): Liam barely spent time with you anymore. He was always busy with the fans. He took you out one day and there were fans everywhere. He was holding your hand tightly to make sure that you didn't run off. "Li!" You said tugging on him. "Hold on" He said turning back to one of the girls. You got mad and yanked your hand out it. He looked down and held out his hand "Hold my hand" He said. You started crying. "NO! I hate you!" You took off running. You were upset because he wasn't paying attention to you. He apologized to the fans and took off after you. You ended up sitting on a bench crying. You saw him coming and didn't want to talk to him. "Babe. Look at me." You looked up. "Do you-do you really hate me?" You didn't respond. He sighed and put his head down. "You don't spend time with me anymore. You just talk to the girls." You whispered. He looked up. He shook his head and let a tear fall down his cheek. "No. No. Don't say that. I'm so sorry baby. I really am. I'm trying as hard as I can to love you and be the perfect brother. I really am. I'm so just caught up with everything." You hugged him. He held you tight. "Come on, let's go do what you want to do for the rest of the day." You smiled and nodded, glad to have your brother back.

Louis (Age 4): Louis had put you down for a nap and promised that he would play with you when you woke up. You walked in and he was laying with his girlfriend on the couch. You walked up to him and poked him. "Lou can we play now?" He shook his head but didn't say anything. You stood there hoping he would say something. "Lou" You whined. "Not now (y/n). I'm busy" "You're always busy!" "Not true!" "Yes it is you don't play anymore!" "Be polite (y/n), El's here" "I hate you!" You screamed and crying you ran into Louis' room, slamming the door. He was frozen. He looked at El and she gave him sympathy. She got up and went to talk to you while he sat there crying. After a few minutes she reemerged and sat down. "She wants to talk to you" She whispered. He wiped at his face and nodded, walking to his room. You were laying on his bed crying. "Bug?" You looked up. "I sowie Lou! Don't cry!" You said standing up. He came forward and brought you into his arms. "I'm so sorry! I promise we can play whenever you want." You nodded. "I don't hate you" You whispered. He nodded. "I know sport. You were mad at me because I didn't pay attention. That was my fault. You have ever right to hate me" You shook your head. "I love you. No hate" He nodded taking you to go play.

Niall (Age 7): Niall had to go to the studio. You had to go with him because he didn't want to leave you home alone and he couldn't find anyone. He always stopped for the fans, but that didn't bug you. What bugged you was when Niall made you take the pictures and not let you in when the girls' wanted you too. He always told them that you were too shy and it was not needed. You were talking with a girl and Niall called you over. "I was talking" You said. "Take this picture" "Can she be in it too?" "I'm sorry but no" "Niall" You said. "Stop" He said. You took the picture and gave her the camera turning to your brother. "I hate you" You muttered rushing into the studio. You went and sat in the corner silently letting the tears fall. You didn't mean it, but he was being so unfair. You heard Niall running around yelling for you, but you were too upset to tell him where you were. He stopped and walked closer hearing you sniff. "Princess?" He asked kneeling down. He had been crying and his face was puffy. "Princess, why do you hate me?" "I don't. I just got mad because I was talking and I liked the girls but you wouldn't let me" He sighed and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you from them" You nodded hugging him. "I'm sorry" He nodded "Me too."

Harry (Age 5): You were mad at Harry because he wouldn't get off of the phone. You desperately needed to talk to him about something and he wouldn't listen. You tugged on him and you yelled at him but he just ignored you. "Yeah, sorry babe. Yeah. Love you too. Bye" He hung up and looked down at you. "What did you want?" "I hate you" You yelled running away. You never really liked his girlfriend and he always put her over you. You ran into your room and cried on your bed. You heard Harry come in but you refused to talk to him. He tried and tried and felt really hurt. He walked out and sat by your door. He was upset. You finally got up and walked out seeing Harry's head hung in shame. "Hazza?" He looked up. "I no hate you anymore" You whispered sitting in his lap. "I'm so sorry, kitten. I'm a horrible brother. I didn't mean to ignore you, I just caught up in my phone conversation." You nodded. "You always do" He nodded shamefully. "I promise I won't talk on the phone as long and I will pay attention to you no matter what okay?" You nodded, kissing his cheek. "I sorry I no be a better girl" He shook his head and laughed. "You're my perfect girl. You have every right to want my attention and tell me something. Now tell me the story, I want to hear it." And the rest was history......

Zayn (Age 8): Lately, Zayn has been doing a lot more twitcams. Almost one every night. That made you upset because you used to play with him and watch movies every night. Now, all you do is sleep in your room and listen to him talk. Tonight, you really wanted to cuddle with him. You haven't gotten to spend much time with him because of tour rehearsals and you wanted to. You walked into the living room. "Zayn?" He looked up over his laptop. "Can we cuddle?" "Not now. I'm doing a twitcam." "But you did one last night." "I know, but they want to talk and I like interacting with them." He smiled. "Please cuddle?" "No (y/n) not now" "I hate you!" You cried, running to your room. The color drained from his face as he sat there and shock. He couldn't believe that. He told everyone he had to go and he quickly went to find you. "Baby?" He asked walking into your room. You looked up at him. "I didn't mean it. I was just mad" "You have every right to hate me. I know that I haven't been a good brother and we've broken our routines. How about we go and cuddle right now and I will cut the twitcams to a minimum and we can go back to being us?" You nodded kissing his cheek and hugging him, glad that he was back and that you could go back to normal.

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