You get jealous of Lux

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Liam (Age 3): You were all sitting backstage together before the show. You were sitting on the ground and Liam was holding Lux. "Li!" You said, standing up. "Yeah, who's my special girl? Mhm?" You always remembered Liam telling you that you were his special girl. You looked up at him and started crying. You went over to Louis and held your hands up. He picked you up and you cried into his shoulder. He walked you back and forth until you calmed down. "Li no love me" "That's not true why would you say that?" "He tell Lux that she special girl and I am!" He nodded, knowing what this was about. He took you over and sat you on his lap next to Liam. He whispered into Liam's ear and he went wide eyed. They trade places and you were now in Liam's lap. "Baby look at me" You looked at him. "You know that I love you so much and that you're always my #1 special girl right?" You didn't answer. "I love you" You smiled and knew that he always got you. "I love you too" You whispered. He hugged you close "I'm sorry I made you feel like that but you're always my special girl. Forever" You looked up and kissed his cheek. "Forever!" You squealed and laughed.

Louis (Age 4): Louis offered to babysit Lux while Lou went out for a while. The two were playing on the floor and you were watching. He gave her your favorite toy that he knew was your favorite. You jumped up and grabbed it running to the other side. "Favorite" You said towards Lux. "(Y/n) Tomlinson. Bring that back. She was playing with it." "My favorite!" You whined. "NOW and go sit in the naughty corner for not sharing your things" You cried and gave it back, running to the naughty corner. Lou came in and you got up and ran to her. "Hi (y/n)." "Lou Boo no love me" You cried into her leg. She bent down. "What do you mean?" "He gave Lux my favorite toy and I tried to play with it but he got mad and sent me to the naughty corner. He no loves me" She cooed bringing you into a hug. "Let's go talk to him" She carried you into the living room. "MOMMY!" Lux laughed running towards her. She bent down and hugged Lux. "Hi baby" Louis got up and walked over "(y/n)" You hid behind Lou's leg. "She thinks that you don't love her because you let Lux play with her favorite toy and not her" Louis picked you up. "I will always love you no matter what" You kissed his cheek and ended up playing the rest of the night with him.

Niall (Age 2): Niall was rocking Lux back and forth trying to get her to sleep. He started singing the lullaby that he promised was only for you. He told you it was a love song that was meant for the person you love. You started crying thinking that he loved Lux and not you. You ran and found Ashton. "What's the matter little one?" He asked picking you up. "Ni no love me. He sing love song to Lux" You cried into his shoulder. He laughed but nodded carrying you around. When you calmed down, he led you back to Niall, who was sitting on the couch by himself. He saw you and held out his hands but you just turned away and held onto Ashton. He gave Ashton a weird look. "You sang a love song to Lux and now she doesn't think you love you anymore" He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and understood. He took you from Ashton and softly sang your song. But, there was a difference. He always sang differently to you, but the correct pitch for everyone else. You noticed and smiled hugging him. "I sowie Ni" "It's alright, Princess. I love you the mostest" You shook your head "No, I love you the mostest" That continued awhile before he finally sang your guys' special version of the love song and you were asleep.

Harry (Age 5): You had fallen asleep on Harry's lap. He promised you he wouldn't put you down, but when you woke up, you were on the couch and he was playing with Lux. You got up and started crying running away. Harry didn't notice because he was too caught up in the game. You ended up running to Calum's dressing room and laid on the couch. He walked in and saw you. He walked over and knelt down. "Why are you crying cutie?" "Harry loves Lux more" "Now why would you say that?" "He told me he wouldn't put me down and he did. HE PROMISED!" You cried out. He picked you up and rocked you back and forth until you quieted down. He walked and found Harry who was looking for you. "Babe!" He said running towards you. He stopped when you wouldn't look at him. "What's the matter?" Calum explained the situation and Harry's face dropped. "Kitten, I'm so so sorry! I thought you would be more comfortable on the couch because of how you were laying. I didn't mean to upset you and you know how much I love you." You nodded reaching out for him. "I love you Haz" "I love you too baby. Now come on, we can go cuddle some more and I promise not to ever let you down okay?" You nodded curling into his chest.

Zayn (Age 3): You were playing with Lux. You both had barbies and were playing house. When Lux took your barbie, you hit her arm and took your barbie back. Zayn heard Lux crying and came over and picked her up. "What happened?" "She hit me!" Lux cried. "(y/n) Malik, you know we don't hit" "But she took my barbie!" You said. He shook his head. "Go sit on that chair. You know we don't hit at all" You cried and ran off while Zayn tended to Lux. You saw Niall and figured that he would love you, so you ran up to him. "Hi sweetie, what's wrong?" "Zayn no love me." He creased his forehead in confusion waiting for you to continue. "Lux took my barbie so I hit her and took it back, but Zayn no care, he only care about Lux" He brought you into a hug excusing himself from the person he was talking to. He went and found Zayn who was still rocking Lux. He noticed you and creased his forehead. "(y/n) I told you to stay in tha-" But Niall cut him off by shaking his head. He put Lux down and listened to Niall explain the situation. "Really?" You nodded. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didnt' realize that had happened. You know I love you to the moon and back." You nodded climbing into his arms and hugging him.

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